Wouldn't it be fun to make the N-ary notation a grayscale image? ?? ??
import numpy as np
import math
from tqdm import tqdm
from PIL import Image
Convert x to k-digit N-ary and output as numpy.array (ex. x=10,n=2,k=8 → 00001010)
def int__n(x,n,k):
if x>(n**k-1):
# print("x over maximum\n","x=",x," n**k-1=",n**k-1)
# print("n=",n," k=",k)
return np.full(k,n-1)
a = x%(n**(k-1))
b = x//(n**(k-1))
if k==1:
return np.array([b])
v = int__n(a,n,k-1)
return np.insert(v,0,b,axis=0)
Substitute a natural number less than or equal to k into int__n and combine
def mk_matrix(k,base): # k:Size base:radix
c = int(math.log(k,base)+2)
m = np.full((0,c),0)
for i in range(k):
v = int__n(i+1,base,c)
m = np.insert(m,i,v,axis=0)
return m
Convert from numpy.array to PIL.Image (imaging)
def mk_img(x,base):
M = np.uint8((255/(base-1)*((base-1)-mk_matrix(x,base))))
# Image.fromarray(M).convert("L").resize((x,x)).show()
img = Image.fromarray(M).convert("L").resize((x,x))
img.save("base{base}_for_{x}.png ".format(base=base,x=x))
img.resize((500,500)).save("base{base}_for_{x}_resized_500x500.png ".format(base=base,x=x))
Image creation in 2 to 20 base
for n in tqdm(range(2,21)):
Well, I knew it wasn't particularly fun. I wonder if it became a practice for PIL and numpy ...
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