Mastering OpenWRT (LEDE): LINE Notify


Build a LINE Notify environment on the OpenWRT / LEDE NAS server, Here are some tips for receiving notifications from the server.

That said, it doesn't happen in a new and stable environment like the Raspberry Pi, for example. Tips that only occur in old environments.

By the way, the environment I am using is as follows.

-Use Chinese fanless NAS with OpenWRT (LEDE)

LEDE 17.01.4 / linux kernel 4.4.92, so It is an old and cheap environment as it is.


Basically, if you have curl, you can use LINE Notify, You will also need ca-bundle.

root@LEDE:~# opkg update
root@LEDE:~# opkg install curl
root@LEDE:~# opkg install ca-bundle

Error 1

curl: (27) PRNG seeding failed

Apparently, it's a bug that depends on the old version of curl. Since curl_7.52.1-10 installed as LEDE 17.01.4 does not solve the problem, I will only update the applicable packages until openwrt 18.06.

Specify the above directly with opkg install or You can download it locally and install it by specifying the file.

Error 2

Error loading shared library No such file or directory

It seems that the link is not made well. As a countermeasure for error 1, we introduced a version outside the original distribution package. It may be inconsistent.

For the time being, I will try to find a library that seems to be applicable.

root@LEDE:/overlay/upper/usr/lib/opkg# ls -all /usr/lib/ | grep libmbedcrypto
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            18 Feb 24 11:49 ->
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            23 Feb 24 11:49 ->
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        222455 Jun 19  2019

I'm worried if the old version of the link is okay, I will put a link.

ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/


root@LEDE:/overlay/upper/usr/lib/opkg# curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXXX' -F "message=test"

It worked fine. I think I was lucky because I forcibly solved the dependency problem and worked.

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