Correspondence to ‘cannot encode object: num, of type: <class’ numpy.int64'> `in Pymongo error


As the title says


I stumbled upon trying to ʻinsert` a Dict using Pymongo that obediently incorporated a Dict type value created by calculation processing via Numpy developed by another person into the value.

Why didn't you understand?

Dict structurally

score = { 
  'score1' = 1,
  'score2' = 2,
  'score3': {'score3_1':10}

Since the value of score_3_1 was Numpy when it had a structure like this, I couldn't tell if it was Numpy by looking at the value type of score.


If you cast the numerical value existing in Dict to a type such as ʻint () `, it's OK!


The error didn't say the wrong thing.

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