First java.util.logging

Conclusion of this article

--java.util.logging is a module installed in Java that handles logging.

What is logging?

--A history of events recorded in chronological order --Log level exists

What is a log level?

--Literally the log level --In java.util.logging, the levels are divided as follows. By default, it is set to output logs of INFO or higher. --FINE ST-- Very detailed trace message --FINER --A fairly detailed trace message --FINE --Detailed trace message --CONFIG --Static configuration message --INFO --Information message --WARNING --Warning message --SEVERE --Critical message

Features of java.util.logging

--Logger --Log output --Handler --Control the log output destination --Formatter --Control the log format


-How to use java.util.logging -[Introduction to Java] How to use Logger (explains log level and output destination settings)

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