[Go] Use Open ID Connect with go-oidc

Open ID Connect --There is a token issuance process in the evolved version of outh2 --Delegate to another provider (Google in this case) without having authentication information such as user password in the application itself --There are various providers - Google - AzureAD - AWS Cognito - outh0 --There is a concept of state to prevent spoofing such as cross-site scripting.

Official package



git cloen https://github.com/coreos/go-oidc

Set up according to the README of the example

cd go-oidc/example
yuta:~/go-oidc/example (v3=) $ cat README.md
# Examples

These are example uses of the oidc package. Each requires a Google account and the client ID and secret of a registered OAuth2 application. To create one:

1. Visit your [Google Developer Console][google-developer-console].
2. Click "Credentials" on the left column.
3. Click the "Create credentials" button followed by "OAuth client ID".
4. Select "Web application" and add "" as an authorized redirect URI.
5. Click create and add the printed client ID and secret to your environment using the following variables:

Access the Google Developer Console


Create authentication information (application)




Setting environment variables

--Create will create a client ID and client secret

export GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=739786550065-g36863uform2efr5nrvvmjpj30pu9nuf.apps.googleusercontent.com

The OS environment variable of the execution server is read by the os package

var (
  clientID     = os.Getenv("GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID")
  clientSecret = os.Getenv("GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET")

Operation check


yuta:~/go-oidc/example (v3=) $ go run idtoken/app.go
2021/01/17 16:13:04 listening on



When authentication is successful


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