Python script that makes UTF-8 files with all BOMs under the folder without BOMs

The reason for making it

Converting UTF-8 files with BOM to UTF-8 files without BOM due to business needs I created a script to convert all at once.

It was unexpectedly convenient, so I will publish it. Please refer to the comments in the source for the processing contents.


#---BOM removal tool
import sys, os, codecs, shutil

#---Get command line arguments
args = sys.argv

#---Get current path
current_path = os.getcwd()

#---Setting temporary file name for work
tempfile = ''.join([current_path,'\\tempfile'])

#---Variable for counting the number of cases processed
conv_count = 0

print("BOM file removal script")

#---If there is no argument, an error is output and the process ends.
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    print("There are no arguments.")
    #---Get the first argument
    filepath = args[1]

#---Existence check of file path of specified argument

    #--- os.walk function loop
    for (current, subfolders, files) in os.walk(filepath):
        #---List of acquired files(files)Loop with
        #---Get individually from files to fileName
        for fileName in files:
            #---File path generation to be processed
            target_path = '\\'.join([current, fileName])
            #--- UTF-8BOM to UTF-8 Conversion process to NOBOM
            #---UTF the file to be processed-Open in read mode as 8BOM
            with, 'r', 'utf_8_sig') as r:
                #---UTF temporary files-Open in write mode with 8NOBOM
                with, 'w', 'utf-8') as w:
                    #---Read line by line from the file to be processed(Assign to line)
                    for line in r:
                        #---Output the contents of line to a temporary file in one line

            #---File replacement process
            #---Overwrite and copy the temporary file to the file to be processed
            shutil.copyfile(tempfile, target_path)
            #---Delete temporary files
            #Count up the number of cases processed
            conv_count += 1

    #---If the path of the specified argument does not exist, an error is output and the process ends.
    print("The specified folder does not exist.")

#---End message
print(filepath + "Destroyered files under it (converted without BOM)")
print('Number of converted files:{}'.format(conv_count))

Execution method

Scripts are machine-independent, so they work on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Suppose you save your Python script with the file name

・ For Windows and Linux

> py dir_path

・ For Mac

> python dir_path

Specify dir_path as the full path.


The script created this time recursively scans under the specified folder. Performs processing on all files.

For example, targeting a specific type of file in the current code, Give a file name as an argument and only match files I think it would be more convenient to add the improvement of targeting.

I think there is a smarter way to convert BOM, Python, which can write such processing with only basic instructions, After all it is a convenient language.

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