Deep copy collection in Java

A copy that does not affect the source even if you copy an array or collection in Java and make changes to the destination is called a deep copy.

If you look it up on the net, you can use ʻintorString` as type arguments.

ArrayList myList = new ArrayList<MyObject>( srcList );

It says that you can make a deep copy by doing something like that, but in fact, if the object is stored in the list, it will not be a deep copy! !!

So, simply taking the collection as an argument and doing new is not enough.

To make a deep copy of a collection of objects, etc.

ArrayList<MyObject> myList = new ArrayList<MyObject>(srcList.size());
for (MyObject o : srcList) {
 //Implement either of the following
 o.add(new MyObject(new o)); //Copy constructor
 o.add(o.clone()); //Clonable interface implementation

It seems that you have to prepare a copy constructor for the object to be put in the collection, or inherit the clone method. (You can use either method)

About implementing the Cloneable interface:

Deep Copying a Collection of Objects Question:

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