[JAVA] I used the Mediator pattern to express a river crossing puzzle.

My recent full-time job is Uncle Operation Improvement. I am re-studying design patterns.

To better understand the Mediator pattern As a sample code, I think it's the Nth decoction, but ... I used the river crossing puzzle as the code.

It's not a program that finds the answer to a river crossing puzzle It is a program that simulates a river crossing puzzle.

If you make a mistake in recognizing Mediator, If you like, I would appreciate it if you could point it out.


River crossing puzzle

That is the famous one. It is the one that crosses from this shore to the other shore by boat.

I think there are various characters that appear, This time, I chose farmers, wolves, goats, and cabbage.

Only farmers can row a boat. Only the farmer and another character can board the ship. If a wolf or goat is left behind when there is no farmer on the same bank, the wolf will eat the goat. If you leave the goat and cabbage when there is no farmer on the same bank, the goat will eat the cabbage.

How can I safely cross the other side of the river? That is.


Farmer.java, Chabbage.java, Goat.java, Wolf.java, It inherits the following:


public abstract class CharacterBase implements Character {
    private Position position;
    private Status status;

    public CharacterBase() {
        this.position = Position.FRONT;
        this.status = Status.ALIVE;

    public Status getStatus() {
        return this.status;

    public void setStatus(Status status) {
        this.status = status;

    public Position getPosition() {
        return this.position;

    public void setPosition(Position position) {
        this.position = position;

    public void cross() {
        switch (this.getPosition()) {
        case FRONT:


        case BEYOND:




Also, Farmer.java only, Implements the cross (Character with Character) method.


public class Farmer extends CharacterBase {
    public void cross(Character withCharacter) {
        if (withCharacter == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify the character to cross with.");

        if (withCharacter instanceof Farmer) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot specify a farmer.");

        if (!this.getPosition().equals(withCharacter.getPosition())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only characters in the same position can cross together.");



Without Mediator

Because there is no class that knows all the characters Check the status one by one in the execution class, I have to update my character's stats.


public class CrossRiverExecutor {
    private Farmer farmer;
    private Wolf wolf;
    private Goat goat;
    private Cabbage cabbage;

    public CrossRiverExecutor(Farmer farmer, Wolf wolf, Goat goat, Cabbage cabbage) {
        this.farmer = farmer;
        this.wolf = wolf;
        this.goat = goat;
        this.cabbage = cabbage;

    public void execute() {
        //This shore: wolf, cabbage
        //The other side: farmer, goat

        //Kishi: Farmer, wolf, cabbage
        //The other side: Goat

        //This shore: wolf
        //The other side: farmer, goat, cabbage

        //This shore: farmers, goats, wolves
        //The other side: cabbage

        //This shore: goat
        //The other side: farmers, wolves, cabbage

        //This shore: farmer, goat
        //The other side: wolf, cabbage

        //This shore:
        //The other side: farmers, wolves, goats, cabbage

    private void updateStatus() {
        if (!farmer.getPosition().equals(goat.getPosition()) && wolf.getPosition().equals(goat.getPosition())) {

        if (!farmer.getPosition().equals(cabbage.getPosition()) && cabbage.getPosition().equals(goat.getPosition())) {

I think you can still express the river crossing puzzle, It's hard to read and it's hard to test the updateStatus method. I don't think the code is in very good condition.

If you have a Mediator

Here, prepare a Mediator that knows the entire character.


public class CrossRiverMediator implements CrossRiver {
    private Farmer farmer;
    private Wolf wolf;
    private Goat goat;
    private Cabbage cabbage;

    public CrossRiverMediator(Farmer farmer, Wolf wolf, Goat goat, Cabbage cabbage) {
        this.farmer = farmer;
        this.wolf = wolf;
        this.goat = goat;
        this.cabbage = cabbage;

    public void cross(Character character) {

        switch (character.getPosition()) {
        case FRONT:


        case BEYOND:



    public void cross(Farmer character, Character withCharacter) {
        if (withCharacter == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify the character to cross with.");

        if (withCharacter instanceof Farmer) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot specify a farmer.");

        if (!character.getPosition().equals(withCharacter.getPosition())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only characters in the same position can cross together.");



    private void updateStatus() {
        if (!farmer.getPosition().equals(goat.getPosition()) && wolf.getPosition().equals(goat.getPosition())) {

        if (!farmer.getPosition().equals(cabbage.getPosition()) && cabbage.getPosition().equals(goat.getPosition())) {


Because I know all the characters You can execute the updateStatus method to update the life and death of each character.

Also, along with that CharacterBase.java, the parent class of each character, Cross () method, cross (Character) method of Farmer.java, Change it to run via Mediator.


public abstract class CharacterBase implements Character {
    protected CrossRiver crossRiver;
    private Position position;
    private Status status;

    public CharacterBase() {
        this.position = Position.FRONT;
        this.status = Status.ALIVE;

    public void setMediator(CrossRiver crossRiver) {
        this.crossRiver = crossRiver;

    public Status getStatus() {
        return this.status;

    public void setStatus(Status status) {
        this.status = status;

    public Position getPosition() {
        return this.position;

    public void setPosition(Position position) {
        this.position = position;

    public void cross() {


public class Farmer extends CharacterBase {
    public void cross(Character withCharacter) {
        this.crossRiver.cross(this, withCharacter);

Then the execution class will It will be as follows.


public class CrossRiverExecutor {
    private Farmer farmer;
    private Wolf wolf;
    private Goat goat;
    private Cabbage cabbage;
    private CrossRiverMediator crossRiver;

    public CrossRiverExecutor() {
        farmer = new Farmer();
        wolf = new Wolf();
        goat = new Goat();
        cabbage = new Cabbage();

        crossRiver = new CrossRiverMediator(farmer, wolf, goat, cabbage);

    public void execute() {
        farmer.cross(goat);     //This shore: wolf, cabbage The other shore: farmer, goat
        farmer.cross();         //This shore: farmer, wolf, cabbage Other shore: goat
        farmer.cross(cabbage);  //This shore: wolf The other shore: farmer, goat, cabbage
        farmer.cross(goat);     //This shore: farmer, goat, wolf Other shore: cabbage
        farmer.cross(wolf);     //This shore: Goat The other shore: Farmer, wolf, cabbage
        farmer.cross();         //This shore: farmer, goat The other shore: wolf, cabbage
        farmer.cross(goat);     //This shore: The other shore: Farmers, wolves, goats, cabbage

Therefore, the logic can be separated from the execution class, When testing the logic, you just need to test the Mediator, I think it's a relatively good code.


I was able to program a river crossing puzzle. https://github.com/naokiur/design-pattern-sample/tree/master/src/main/java/jp/ne/naokiur/design/pattern/mediator

I used it as a reference

https://github.com/iluwatar/java-design-patterns http://language-and-engineering.hatenablog.jp/entry/20120330/p1

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