When will the default arguments be bound in python? When variables are bound in closure lazy evaluation.


The Python terminology and wording is quite suspicious.



I read an article about python lazy evaluation and summarized it.

Example 1 When are the default arguments of a function evaluated?

Python can set default arguments. However, ** the default arguments of the function are evaluated when defining the function. Not at runtime. It will be an unexpected pitfall if you do not know the specification of **.

Sometimes the default argument = None is good

Define an append_to function that just adds the passed arguments to the list. It has an empty list to by default.

Append argument to add to list_to function

>>> def append_to(element, to=[]):
...     to.append(element)
...     return to

Let's add 12,42. Because there is an argument to = [] [12] [42] It seems to be.

>>> my_list = append_to(12)
>>> print(my_list)
>>> my_other_list = append_to(42)
>>> print(my_other_list)
[12, 42]

It's not what you expected. What does that mean.


The default argument to is defined as to = []. We will update the value one after another here.

If to = [] is evaluated in the process of becoming to = []-> to = [12]-> to = [12,42],

to = []-> to = [12]-> to = []-> to = [42], which seems to give the desired result, but ** the default argument is a function It will be evaluated at the time of definition. ** **

In other words, to is to = [] when defining a function, but ** does not do to = [] every time it is called **, so when ʻappent_to (42), to = [12] It means that it remains `.


What to do instead It seems that to = None should be done.

It feels a bit redundant. I don't know what to do.

def append_to(element, to=None):
    if to is None:
        to = []
    return to

my_list = append_to(12)

my_other_list = append_to(42)


I got the desired result.

Example 2 Closure lazy evaluation

Python can do lazy evaluation. Lazy evaluation, roughly speaking, means evaluating when needed.

If you are a beginner like me who is learning Python normally, this is "I know! This is the one I saw in the seminar".

If you're going to write medium to large code, it's inevitable to design the default arguments for your function.

However, there is such a Python specification.

** Variable bindings in closures are lazy **

Let's look at a code example that uses so-called closures, where values are stored inside a function.

The goal is code that returns a list with the contents of the list multiplied by the value of the argument.

A script that returns a list with the contents of the list multiplied by the value of the argument

functions = []
for n in [1, 2, 3]:
    def func(x):
        return n * x

# You would expect this to print [2, 4, 6]
print('{}'.format(str([function(2) for function in functions])))

It seems that [2, 4, 6]([1 * 2, 2 * 2, 3 * 2]) will be output, but ...


[6, 6, 6]

Was output.


Python closures are lazy evaluated. The value of the variable used by the closure is also referenced at the time it is called.

Therefore, n is not fixed when the closure is called in the for statement, and it is stored in functions in the state of n * x. So to speak, [n * x, n * x, n * x] Therefore, when it is executed by the print statement, the last state of n, n == 3, is referenced, so[6,6,6]([3 * 2,3 * 2,3 * 2) ], X = 2).

Try to debug

Let's use the debugger to see the order of updating the values of the for statement and the print statement.

Since the value of the variable n has been updated by the iteration to already be 3, the function is evaluated by print all the time n == 3. You can see from print that n == 3 is referenced 3 times.


It's hard to understand, so I'll post another one.



Change the closure argument from x to x, n = n. The problem is solved by passing the value of n, that is, passing the value of n to the functions that store the closure each time it is iterated by a for statement.

To do this, put the value of n in the argument, such as def func (x, n = n):, and make it take the form of reassignment. This allows closures to update the value of n from the specification of holding the value within that function.

A script that returns a list with the contents of the list multiplied by the value of the argument

functions = []
for n in [1, 2, 3]:
    def func(x, n=n):# n=Added n.
    # def func(x):
        return n * x

print('{}'.format(str([function(2) for function in functions])))

Output result


Let's take a look at the debugger.


I'm wondering if the behavior of func could be expressed well with the debugger, but I was able to make it behave as I expected.

Other solutions

It seems that you should use the library. This time it is omitted.

from functools import partial
from operator import mul


Python does lazy evaluation. This is a bit confusing when you're doing regular procedural programming. It's a function brought in from a functional language, so it's a bit quirky.

I'm not sure how to use the expression variable binding (assignment in functional languages) properly in Python. </ del>

Postscript 2020/05/19

There was a point in the comment.

I wrote in Example 1 that Python's default arguments are lazy evaluated. But this was an incorrect understanding. The default Python argument is a specification that is bound when a function is declared, rather than being lazy and bound. It seems more correct to behave in a non-intuitive manner as in Example 1.


https://ja.coder.work/so/python/1087272 https://python-guideja.readthedocs.io/ja/latest/writing/gotchas.html https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36463498/late-binding-python-closures

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