Use raspberry Pi and Julius (speech recognition). ③ Dictionary creation

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Creating a dictionary file This was also very difficult.

Creating a file with reading kana for words (.yomi)

First, create a directory for creating a dictionary file.

$ cd julius
$ mkdr dict
$ cd dict

The hierarchy looks like this.


Use the vim command to create and edit files. Install vim.

$ apt-get install vim
$ vim --version

image.png Create a reading kana file

$ sudo vim test.yomi

Click the keyboard mark on the upper right to enable Japanese input. image.png ↓↓ image.png

Word → tab → reading kana (hiragana) I will write below. The word can be kanji. Be careful not to insert extra spaces as it will cause an error. Do not start a new line after entering the last word. Be careful not to empty the last line. image.png

When you have a wordbook, quit the vim editor with ctrl + C → ZZ. See this article for how to use vim. Frequently used Vim command summary

Convert the reading kana file to a romaji file (.phone) (.dic) I was addicted to this next code. It seems that there is no need for conversion after Julius 4.5.
$ sudo iconv -f utf8 -t eucjp

So run it with the following code.

$ perl ~/julius/julius-4.6/gramtools/yomi2voca/ test.yomi > ~/julius/dict/

Since it is not displayed in the terminal, check that the file is created and display it.

$ ls
$ sudo vim

image.png It's OK if the .yomi file is converted to romaji, so close it without touching it.

Create a grammar file (.grammar) ``` $ sudo vim test.grammar ``` Write the following code in the editor that opens. Write as many words as you have. Be careful to match the Roman alphabet in the .phone file. Example) ✕ KONNNITIHA 〇KONNICHIWA

The S part on the first line of the syntax file shows the syntax definition, NS_B is the beginning of the sentence, and NS_E is the end of the sentence. The TEST part on the second and subsequent lines is a character string to be recognized, and the reading of the "phoneme" file ( generated earlier is capitalized. Partially modified and quoted


Exit the editor after writing.

Create a vocabulary file (.voca) Create a vocabulary file by copying the .phone file. Edit the vocabulary file.
$ sudo cp test.voca
$ sudo vim test.voca

Align the format for each word and add it so that it has the following code format. The word and the romaji are separated by a tab, and it worked as it is, but it seems better to make it a space.

Thank you a r i g a t o u
Hello k o N n i ch i w a
% NS_B
[s] silB
% NS_E
[/s] silE


Convert to dictionary data Move the directory.
$ cd julius/julius-4.6/gramtools/mkdfa

Execute the following code at the destination.

$ ~/julius/dict/test

If successful, ".dfa", ".term" and ".dict" files will be generated in the dict file. (For some reason, a file called .dfatmp was created, so I renamed it. The .tmp file was also created abruptly, but I'm not sure, so I left it.) image.png

Speech recognition using a dictionary
$ cd

Execute the following code.

$ julius -C ~/julius/julius-4.6/julius-kit/dictation-kit-4.5/am-gmm.jconf -nostrip -gram ~/julius/dict/test -input mic

image.png image.png

Also recognizes what you say "Thank you", "Hello" just a intently. did it.

Completion of creation of original dictionary Next, recognize the words and go to the L Chika edition. [Use raspberry Pi and Julius (speech recognition). ④ L Chika](

Reference [Raspberry Pi Day 4 ①: Create your own dictionary with Julius]( [Make specific words recognized by Raspberry Pi and Julius]( [Voice recognition using julius on Raspberry Pi]( []() []() [Voice recognition using julius4.5 on raspberry pi, garbled characters]( [Frequently used Vim command summary](

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