10 barrages of drawing with ● or ■ that are likely to appear in training (Java)

(common part)

package test;					
import java.util.LinkedList;					
import java.util.List;					
import java.util.Scanner;					
public class Main {									
	public static void main(String[] args) {				
		Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);			
		int num2 = scan.nextInt();			
		String square = "■";			



** Screenshots are all when the input value is 9. ** **

pattern 1


//Start at 1 and increment to the number entered
//* Line is the current number of lines and at the same time represents the number of drawings in ■.
for(int line = 1; line <= num2; line++ ){				
	//Start from 1 and repeat for less than or equal to the number of drawings on this line
	for(int idxOfMarks = 1; idxOfMarks <= line; idxOfMarks++){			
	//Line break to go to the next line

The following is a brief description.

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();				
for (int line = 0; line < num2; line++) {				

Pattern 2


//Start with the number you enter and decrement until that number reaches 1.
//* Idx is the current number of lines and at the same time represents the number of drawings in ■
for(int line = num2; line >= 1 ; line--){				
	for(int idxOfMarks = line; idxOfMarks >= 1; idxOfMarks--){			

Pattern 3


String batsu = "×";				
for(int line = 1; line <= num2; line++ ){				
	//Start from 1 and repeat for less than or equal to the number of drawings on this line
	for(int idxOfMarks = 1; idxOfMarks <= line; idxOfMarks++){			
		if(idxOfMarks % 2 !=0){		

Pattern 4


for(int line = 1; line <= num2; line++){				
	for(int idxOfMarks = 1; idxOfMarks <= line; idxOfMarks++){			
		//If the row is odd
		if(line % 2 != 0){		
			//When it becomes an odd number mark
			if(idxOfMarks % 2 != 0){	
			//When it becomes an even number mark
		//If the row is even
			//When it becomes an odd number mark
			if(idxOfMarks % 2 == 0){	
			//When it becomes an even number mark

Pattern 5


for(int line = num2; line >=1; line--){				
	//The number of blanks displayed is the number of inputs-Ask in the current line
	int empty = num2 - line;			
	//First, output the blank
	for(int n=1 ;n <=empty; n++){			
		System.out.print(" ");		
	//Then print the mark
	for(int idxOfMarks = line; idxOfMarks >= 1 ; idxOfMarks--){			

Pattern 6


for(int line = 1 ; line<= num2 ; line++){				
int emptyLines = num2 - 2;				
for(int line2 = 1; line2 <= emptyLines; line2++){				
	for (int index2 = 1 ; index2 <= num2; index2++){			
		if(index2 == 1 || index2 == num2){		
			System.out.print(" ");	
for(int line = 1 ; line<= num2 ; line++){				

Pattern 7


for(int idx = 1; idx <= num2; idx++){				
	for(int i = 1; i <= num2-idx; i++){			
		System.out.print(" ");		
	for(int idxOfMarks = 1; idxOfMarks <= idx*2-1; idxOfMarks++){			
	for(int i = 1; i <= num2-idx; i++){			
		System.out.print(" ");		

Pattern 8


StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder();				
for (int line = 0; line < num2; line++) {				
for (int line = 0; line < num2; ++line){				

Pattern 9


    for(int line = 1 ; line <= num2; line++){					
    	for(int idxOfNum=1; idxOfNum<=line; idxOfNum++){				
    		if(line == 1 || line == 2 || line == num2){			
    			if(idxOfNum == 1 || idxOfNum == line){		

Pattern 10


    //When the number of lines increases by 1, the position of ● on the left becomes+1, the position of ● on the right is-It becomes 1.
    int idxOfBlack1 = 1;					
    int idxOfBlack2 = num2;					
    for(int line = 1 ; line <= num2; line++){					
    	for(int idxOfNum = 1; idxOfNum<=num2; idxOfNum++){				
    		if(idxOfNum == idxOfBlack1 | idxOfNum == idxOfBlack2){			

(If you have a beautiful writing style, I would appreciate it if you could teach me.)

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