"Mathematical puzzles that train the program brain more" _Q01 (code: Ruby)-> Rust

I thought that rewriting "Mathematical puzzles to train the programmer's brain" with Rust might be just right for preventing blurring.

Q01: Majority vote decided by one shot

Although it is not the main point, the subtle part of the setting of this quiz is that "rock-paper-scissors wins and loses" has nothing to do with "majority wins and losses". "If it's Choki 2 and Par 2, Choki wins," he said, confused where it wasn't the main line ...



N = 100

cnt = 0
0.upto(N) do |left|
    left.upto(N) do |right|
        all = [left, right - left, N - right]
        cnt += 1 if all.count(all.max) == 1
puts cnt



fn main() {
    let mut q01 = Q01{ num_of_people:100,};
    let answer = q01.solve();

    println!("{}", answer);

struct Q01 {

impl Q01 {
    pub fn solve(&mut self) -> i64 {
        let mut count = 0;
        for left in 0..=self.num_of_people {
            for right in left..=self.num_of_people {
                let all = vec![left, right - left, self.num_of_people - right];
                let max_value = all.iter().max().unwrap();
                let c = all.iter().filter(|&v| *v == *max_value).count();
                if c == 1 {
                    count += 1;
        return count;

Is it like this? The maximum value and scan for Vec need to be passed through ʻiter ()` once.

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