I tried running Java on a Mac terminal

I'm studying Java with Progate, so I wanted to make it myself and run it, so I tried it somehow. I referred to the following article https://qiita.com/stupid_student2/items/3e8ffeb33a73ef065a40

Use macOS Mojave The file was created with Atom

  1. Create a "Main.java" file with Atom
    I created a folder called "java" on my desktop and saved the file there.


    class Main{
      public static void main( String[] args ){
        System.out.println( "Hello World!" );
  2. Run in terminal
    cd desktop/java
    javac Main.java

    → "Main.Class" is generated

    java Main

    → "Hello World!" Has come out!

It ’s okay because something went wrong!

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