TypeError: concat () got an unexpected keyword argument'join_axes' when using pandas_profling (Google Colab)

(Please forgive me because it is the first post of Qiita) I participated in a certain competition this time.

When I tried to view the data using pandas_profling.ProfileReport on Google Colab, the following error occurred.

from pandas_profiling  import ProfileReport 
train = pd.DataFrame(train)
profile = ProfileReport(train)
TypeError: concat() got an unexpected keyword argument 'join_axes'

Looking into the error, it seems that there is a problem with the version. I tried lowering the version of pandas first, but it didn't work.

Next, upgrade the version of pandas_profiling to solve the problem. The code below.

import pip
!pip install -U pandas_profiling

Already pandas_If you have profiling installed, !pip uninstall pandas_profiling It is good to sandwich.

Reference site pandas-profiling not compatible with pandas v1.0 #376

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