kabu Station® API --Updated Python wrapper for PUSH API


python-kabusapi Created Python wrapper for kabu station API is REST Only API was supported, and websocket distribution by PUSH API was not supported.

Therefore, it was necessary to write a code such as "Receive Websocket of kabu station ® API in Python", but for beginners asyncio Since the concept such as: //docs.python.org/ja/3.8/library/asyncio.html) is complicated, the library has been updated so that it can be eliminated.


Additional packages


import kabusapi

url = "localhost"
port = "18081"  #For verification,18080 for production

#Initial setting: No token password required for PUSH distribution
api = kabusapi.Context(url, port,)

#Receiving function This is called every time information is received
def recieve(msg):
    #The msg processed here is in dict format.
    print("{} {} {}".format(

#Start receiving

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