A story about stumbling through PATH after installing anaconda

I installed anaconda3 to study python and stumbled when I tried to run python.

At the time of installation, anaconda3 was asked if it should be put in the PATH, but I forgot to check it and installed it, so I had to set the PATH manually.

How to pass PATH (Windows10)

If you are using Windows 10, you can set the PATH by following the steps below. -Search by "Edit environment variable" in the search box ・ Select "Path" → "Edit" -Press "New" to add the installed directory I installed it in "E: \ Apps \ anaconda3 ", so I added it here -Add "E: \ Apps \ anaconda3 \ Scripts" with pip.exe

Result through PATH ...

Now that the PATH has passed, check if the PATH has passed with "python -V" on the command line. If all goes well, you should see the version of python you installed, but for some reason you'll be taken to the python installation page in the Microsoft Store ...


Even if I look at "Edit environment variables", the path is added correctly, and I tried restarting, but it has no effect ...


I struggled while thinking that it was Microsoft's nasty sales strategy to install from the Microsoft Store, and finally I found the cause.

On the Edit Path screen of "Edit Environment Variables", there was "% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ WindowsApps" above the python path. The environment variables seemed to be applied in order from the top, and it seemed that the search for python in the Microsoft Store was executed before the python.exe in the anaconda3 folder.

So, when I moved the two added paths up and ran "python -V" on the command line, the python version was displayed safely.

Basic but often overlooked

There were quite a few pages that wrote about setting anaconda's PATH, but I didn't mention the order of the paths, so I hope it will be useful if anyone gets into the same situation.

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