[Java Silver] What are class variables instance variables and local variables?

We will summarize the differences between instance variables, local variables, and class variables.

static variable (class variable)

-A variable declared with ** static ** --Has a value common to all instances of the class. It is also called ** class variable ** because it has a value attached to the class.

Instance variables

Variables defined directly under the class ** and outside the ** method **

Local variables

A variable declared in ** in a method ** There is no problem even if you define a local variable with the same name as an instance variable or class variable **! !! !!

Check with code

public class Main{
 public static void main(String[] args){
  Party P1 = new Party();
  Party P2 = new Party();
  Party.budget = 10000;
  P1.participants = 5;
  P1.remain();  //budget outputs as 9500
  System.out.println(Party.budget); //9500 and output
  System.out.println(P2.budget); //9500 and output
  P2.participants = 10;
  P2.remain();  //8500 and output
  System.out.println(Party.budget);  //8500 and output
  System.out.println(P1.budget);   //8500 and output

class Party {
   int participants; //Instance variables
   static int budget;  //static variable (class variable)

   void remain(){
       int expense = 100 * participants;  //Local variables
       budget -= expense;

**-When having a local variable ** with the same name as the instance variable **

public class Main{
 public static void main(String[] args){
  Party P1 = new Party();
  Party P2 = new Party();
  Party.budget = 10000;

  P1.remain();  //budget outputs as 8000
  System.out.println(Party.budget); //8000 and output
  System.out.println(P2.budget); //8000 and output

  P2.remain();  //6000 and output
  System.out.println(Party.budget);  //6000 and output
  System.out.println(P1.budget);   //6000 and output

 class Party {
   int participants; //Instance variables
   static int budget;  //static variable (class variable)

   void remain(){
       int participants = 20;  //A local variable with the same name as an instance variable
       budget -= participants*100;

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