Change the reserved words in Flask's template engine

Describes how to change the reserved string {{``}} `` {% ``%} in a Flask template.

What makes me happy is that if you try to use Vue.js, for example, Vue.js will also use {{``}} , which will conflict with Flask, but you can avoid it this way.



You can change {{``}} `` {% %} to [[ ]] [% %] with the following two codes.

from flask import Flask

#Created an environment for jinja2, Flask's template engine.
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, select_autoescape
jinja2_environment = Environment(
    loader=PackageLoader(__name__, 'templates'),
    autoescape=select_autoescape(['html', 'xml']),
    block_start_string    ='[%',   #originally{%
    block_end_string      ='%]',   #originally%}
    variable_start_string ='[[',   #originally{{
    variable_end_string   =']]'    #originally}}

app = Flask(__name__)

def root():
    #Get the template by specifying the created environment
    template = jinja2_environment.get_template('index.html')
    #Render template
    return template.render(var1="hello")

if __name__ == '__main__':


    [% if 1 > 0 %]
      [[ var1 ]]
    [% endif %]


When you run and access http: // localhost: 5000 /


I will come out.

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