I bought a new model of server and When installing CentOS 6 I didn't recognize one NIC probably because the OS is old.
I have to download the NIC driver from Intel or something, It took a little time, so Keep a record.
As a flow, Install the same kernel-devel as the OS build, Install the module for driver installation, Get the information of the NIC installed in the server, Download and install the driver from Intel.
Check the OS build and put it in a variable
# KERNEL_VERSION=`uname -r`
# cd /usr/local/src
Find the kernel-devel of the OS build from the following site and copy the URL of the rpm file http://rpm.pbone.net/
# wget "Copyed URL"
##Check what you have installed
# rpm -qa | grep kernel-devel
# ls -l /usr/src/kernels/
##Make sure the link goes through
# ls -l /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/build/
# yum -y install "Development Tools"
# yum -y install man
Check that the device is in order with the following command
# lspci | grep Ethernet
00:1f.6 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (6) I219-V (rev 30)
01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation I211 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 03)
Obtain the device information acquisition tool from the following site https://downloadcenter.intel.com/ja/download/17289
# chmod 777 netdriverinfo.sh
# ./netdriverinfo.sh
eth1 : 00:1f.6
Make/Model = Intel Corporation Device 0000
Ethernet controller = Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection
VenID:DevID = 8086:15be
Driver name = e1000e
Driver version = 3.5.1-NAPI
eth0 : 01:00.0
Make/Model = Holco Enterprise Co, Ltd/Shuttle Computer Device 4076
Ethernet controller = Intel Corporation I211 Gigabit Network Connection
VenID:DevID = 8086:1539
Driver name = igb
Driver version =
If you google the "Driver name" and "Driver version" of the NIC that you do not currently recognize, The download page will appear immediately, so copy it to the server
Unzip the driver downloaded from the manufacturer and install
//Unzip the file(Example)
# tar zvxf e1000e-3.5.1.tar.gz
//After unzipping, move to the src directory in the directory and install
# make install
//Make sure the NIC driver is installed
# ifconfig -a
After the NIC is recognized, restart the server and You can do whatever you want from the NIC config file
Install Linux kernel-devel Install 10Gigabit Ethernet NIC driver
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