It is the 9th day of aratana Advent Calendar 2019.
The company Slack has a channel for advent calendar, and when it is posted on the aratana advent calendar, I will notify Slack. (One hour interval
I made it when I was in Advent a year ago, but I'll rewrite it and paste the code.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Set
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class AdventCalendarEntry:
def __init__(self, title: str, url: str, date_str: str) -> None:
self.title = title
self.url = url
self.date_str = date_str
def empty(self) -> bool:
if self.title:
return False
return True
class AdventCalendarEntryList:
ITEM_SELECTOR = ".adventCalendarItem"
DATE_SELECTOR = ".adventCalendarItem_date"
ENTRY_SELECTOR = ".adventCalendarItem_entry"
def __init__(self, entry_list: List[AdventCalendarEntry]) -> None:
self._entry_list = entry_list
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._entry_list)
def from_html(cls, html_text: str) -> "AdventCalendarEntryList":
bs = BeautifulSoup(html_text, "lxml")
item_list_bs =
entry_list = [cls._make_item_from_item_bs(item_bs) for item_bs in item_list_bs]
return cls(entry_list)
def _make_item_from_item_bs(item_bs):
entry_date = item_bs.select_one(AdventCalendarEntryList.DATE_SELECTOR).text
entry_bs = item_bs.select_one(AdventCalendarEntryList.ENTRY_SELECTOR)
if not entry_bs:
#If not posted
return AdventCalendarEntry(title="", url="", date_str=entry_date)
_anchor = entry_bs.select_one("a")
entry_title = _anchor.text
entry_url = _anchor.get("href")
return AdventCalendarEntry(
title=entry_title, url=entry_url, date_str=entry_date
class AdventCalendarDateCache:
def __init__(self, cache_path: str) -> None:
self.cache_path = Path(cache_path)
self.cached_date_set = self.load()
def load(self) -> Set[str]:
if not Path(self.cache_path).exists():
return set()
with open(self.cache_path, "r") as f:
checked_list = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
return set(checked_list)
def save(self) -> None:
with open(self.cache_path, "w") as f:
lines = "\n".join(list(self.cached_date_set))
def add(self, date_str: str) -> None:
def __contains__(self, date_str: str) -> bool:
return date_str in self.cached_date_set
class Notification(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def run(self, title: str, entry: AdventCalendarEntry) -> None:
class PrintNotification(Notification):
def run(self, title: str, entry: AdventCalendarEntry) -> None:
message = (
f"TITLE: {entry.title}\n"
f"URL : {entry.url}"
class SlackNotification(Notification):
def __init__(self, webhook_url: str) -> None:
self.webhook_url = webhook_url
def run(self, title: str, entry: AdventCalendarEntry) -> None:
message = (
f"> <{entry.date_str}>\n"
f"> TITLE: {entry.title}\n"
f"> URL : {entry.url}"
payload = {"text": message, "as_user": True}
r =, json=payload)
class AdventCalendarNotify:
def __init__(
self, message_title: str, cache_path: str, notify: Notification
) -> None:
self.message_title = message_title
self.cache_path = cache_path
self.notify = notify
self.date_cache = AdventCalendarDateCache(cache_path)
def run(self, url: str) -> None:
for entry in self.load_entry_list(url):
if not self.new_entry(entry):
continue, entry)
def load_entry_list(self, url: str) -> List[AdventCalendarEntry]:
r = requests.get(url)
return list(AdventCalendarEntryList.from_html(r.text))
def new_entry(self, entry: AdventCalendarEntry) -> bool:
if entry.empty():
return False
#Notified is skipped
if entry.date_str in self.date_cache:
return False
return True
Enter the required values as shown below, execute it, and you will be notified of Slack!
url = ""
cache_path = "./list.json"
title = "aratana Advent Calendar Notification of new posts"
slack_notification = SlackNotification(
notify = AdventCalendarNotify(title, cache_path, slack_notification)
If you change slack_notification to PrintNotification ()
, you can check the operation without Slack notification!
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