Choregraphe Tips Collection


If you know how to make a Choregraphe app, I will summarize such knowledge that makes you a little happy.

Development environment

Model name: MacBook Pro OS : Yosemite 10.11.3 Processor name: Intel Core i5 2.6 GHz Memory: 16 GB Graphics: Intel Iris 1536MB

Choreographe : 2.4.2 NAO : 2.4.2

Main subject

Input / output can be swapped.

Do you have such an experience? Why do you cross here when you're developing an app! When. If this doesn't cross, I could make a more beautiful project! スクリーンショット 2016-03-08 15.49.11.png

Here are some tips you can use in such cases! !!

** command (Ctrl) + cursor huh ** Let's actually do it.

スクリーンショット 2016-03-08 15.53.25.png

The output has changed! !! Now your project is clean! !!


Do not do it in the Switch Case box. You can see why. It's a bug.

[bundle] box

Do you have such an experience? When I was developing the app, I thought it was a pain to connect.

スクリーンショット 2016-03-08 18.46.55.png

I want to keep an eye out for the LED behind the [Switch Case] box and then speak, but I have to reconnect the two lines. Ah, it's a mess. This can be used in such a case.

スクリーンショット 2016-03-08 18.42.13.png

Contents is like this

スクリーンショット 2016-03-08 18.42.48.png

e? Isn't it just connecting the lines? What? That's right. I'm just connecting. But it's convenient to use this.

Then immediately.

  1. Place the bundle box between the Switch Case box and the Animated Say box. Screenshot 2016-03-08 18.50.50.png
  2. Preparation is complete
  3. Then insert any box. Screenshot 2016-03-08 19.00.34.png

This will make the wiring much easier. Please try it.

There is also such a usage. スクリーンショット 2016-03-08 19.04.52.png

It's not smart because the boxes aren't arranged properly. In such a case, let's adjust with one box.

スクリーンショット 2016-03-08 19.07.34.png

how is it? Please try it in practice.

Custom box

this スクリーンショット 2016-03-08 19.20.37.png

This way スクリーンショット 2016-03-08 19.20.43.png

def onInput_onSignal(self,p):
	if( self.bFirstTime ):
		self.bFirstTime = False

What if you double-click?



Utilize memory watcher

You know that you can check the value of Event and Value in Choreographe's Menu [View]-[Memory Watcher], but do you know this?

スクリーンショット 2016-03-12 0.34.04.png

For example, I'm making an app that works on White Day. But now it's 12th. But! I want to check the operation. Here at such time! !!

That's all it takes to complete a 48-hour journey.

So that you can do that with qicli.

A simple qicli command reference. Use it by connecting to Pepper or Nao with ssh.

qicli info You can get information about the service.

#It will display a list of services.
$ qicli info
> 001 [ServiceDirectory]
  002 [LogManager]
  003 [ALFileManager]
  004 [ALMemory]
  005 [ALLogger]

#This is an extended command.
#View Method Document
$ qicli info –show-doc

#Show hidden methods
$ qicli info –hidden

#Show raw signature?
# show the raw signature.
$ qicli info –raw-signature

#I'm not sure
# prints the result in a parseable format
$ qicli info -z

qicli call You can call the service directly.

$ qicli call
> true

$ qicli call ALMemory.getEventList
> ALMemory.getEventList: [ "/Preferences", "ALAnimatedSpeech/EndOfAnimatedSpeech", "ALAudioSourceLocalization/SoundLocated", "ALAudioSourceLocalization/SoundsLocated", ...]

qicli watch Event firing can be monitored at a specific timing.

#Get a list of installed apps
$ qicli watch PackageManager.onPackageInstalled

qicli log-view You can see the log

$ qicli log-view

qicli log-send You can send it to the log.

#For example
$ qicli log-send hello

You can change the image! !!

For example, let's say you made such a cool box. スクリーンショット 2016-03-12 1.03.12.png

No matter how you look at it, it's cool. But something is still missing. Yes, the icon is still in the [Python] box. Even though it's such a cool thing, it doesn't look good.

So here.

It became cool.

Shortcut command (For Mac) (I'm sorry for the omission, I may change it soon)

The one I use often


スクリーンショット 2016-03-24 10.39.37.png スクリーンショット 2016-03-24 10.39.43.png

Gender judgment

Most men with long hair are women.

How to use the box library


I will increase it from now on.

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