[RUBY] Clone and duplicate the app from GitHub (initialization)

I am doing job change activities with my own application as a portfolio.

Since it contained a lot of personal information, it is a ** duplication ** and ** initialization ** procedure to wipe out that area and recreate the app for publication while maintaining only the function of the app.


--Clone the app you want to duplicate --If necessary, rename the cloned directory (named app_v2) --Edit personal information (I don't want to keep it in the commit history) --Delete git information in directory --Create a new remote repository --Initialize and push to the created remote repository

It's like that.


#Copy the URL when cloning the app you want to clone on GitHub
git clone copied URL

#Edit the file and once.Remove git
rm -rf .git

#Create a repository and follow the instructions when creating a new one
#Initialize and push again
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'Commit message'
git branch -M main
git remote add origin URL of the created remote repository
git push origin HEAD


As an aside, if you use git push origin HEAD, it will be convenient to push with the current branch name!

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