Send email via gmail with Python 3.4.3.

It's just a personal note.


import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.header import Header
from email.utils import formatdate

class Gmail:
    Gmail with smtp client
    def __init__(self, login_addr, passwd, encoding='utf-8'):
        self._encoding = encoding
        self._login_addr = login_addr
        self._passwd = passwd

    def send(self, to_addr, from_addr, subject, body):
        Send a mail via gmail
        msg = self._format_email(to_addr, from_addr, subject, body)
        with smtplib.SMTP('', 587) as smtp:
            stmp.login(self._login_addr, self._passwd)
            stmp.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, msg.as_string())

    def _format_email(self, to_addr, from_addr, subject, body):
        msg = MIMEText(body, 'html', self._encoding)
        msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, self._encoding)
        msg['From'] = from_addr
        msg['To'] = to_addr
        msg['Date'] = formatdate()

        return msg

    def bulk_send(self, emails):
        Send multiple mails at one time via gmail
        with smtplib.SMTP('', 587) as smtp:
            smtp.login(self._login_addr, self._passwd)
            for email in emails:
                msg = self._format_email(email['to_addr'], email['from_addr'],
                                         email['subject'], email['body'])
                smtp.sendmail(email['from_addr'], email['to_addr'],

if __name__ == "__main__":
    gmail = Gmail('[email protected]', 'foo')
    gmail.send('[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'test', 'test')
    addr = '[email protected]'
    mails = [{'to_addr': addr, 'from_addr': addr, 'subject': 'test', 'body': 'test'}] * 10

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