Store the Java object received in table format in the related model

About this article

Receives tabular objects from the database in Java I was sick when storing that object in a structured object ...

A memo of the solution that doubles as a memorandum.


Publisher name(Publisher) Genre(Genre) Books(Book)
Company A programming Basic summary
Company A programming Even monkeys can understand
Company A Shogi Basic summary
Company A Shogi Even monkeys can understand
Company B programming Basic summary
Company B Shogi Even monkeys can understand
Company A programming Out of order

I got this kind of table data from BD

|--Company A---------programming---------Basic summary
|           |                    |
|           |                    |----Even monkeys can understand
|           |                    |
|           |                    |----Out of order
|           |    
|           |        
|           |----Shogi------------Basic summary
|                                |
|                                 |----Even monkeys can understand
|--Company B---------programming---------Basic summary
|           |                    
|           |----Shogi---------Basic summary

I want to map to a Java object like this.

When you select a publisher, the corresponding genre will appear, When you select a genre, the corresponding book information will come out ...

Finally I want a list of publishers.

Java object

Java object to get table information


package dto;

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;

public class BookResultMap {
	private String publisherName;
	private String genreName;
	private String bookTitle;

	public BookResultMap() {}

	public BookResultMap(String publisherName, String genreName, String bookTitle) {
		this.publisherName = publisherName;
		this.genreName = genreName;
		this.bookTitle = bookTitle;

Java object that finally stores the data

Book: A class that represents book information. Genre: A class that represents a genre. It has List as an element. Publisher: A class that represents publisher information. It has List as an element.

package model;

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;

public class Book {
	private String bookTitle;

package model;

import java.util.List;

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;

public class Genre {
	private String genreName;
	private List<Book> bookList;

package model;

import java.util.List;

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;

public class Publisher {
	private String publisherName;
	private List<Genre> genreList;


package logic;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import dto.BookResultMap;
import model.Book;
import model.Genre;
import model.Publisher;

public class DataConvert {
    public static List<Publisher> convertObject(List<BookResultMap> bookResultMaps) {

		/*A map that stores each relationship.
		 *The value of the map with publishName as the key,
		 *Set to the map with genreName as the key.
		Map<String, Map<String, List<Book>>> convertMap = new HashMap<>();
		for(int i = 0; i < bookResultMaps.size(); i++) {
			String publisherName = bookResultMaps.get(i).getPublisherName();
			String genreName = bookResultMaps.get(i).getGenreName();
			Book book = new Book();

			/*1.If publisherName doesn't exist as a key in convertMap
			 *Create a HashMap with publishName as the key in convertMap.
			if(!convertMap.containsKey(publisherName)) {
				convertMap.put(publisherName, new HashMap<>());
			/*2.If geneName is convertMap.get(publisherName)If it didn't exist as a key to
			 * convertMap.get(publisherName)Create a HashMap with publishName as the key.
			if(!convertMap.get(publisherName).containsKey(genreName)) {
				convertMap.get(publisherName).put(genreName, new ArrayList<>());
			/*1,By doing the work of 2
			 *Because you can get the ArrayList in the Genre related to the publisherName
			 *Store the Book there.
			 * */

		//Replace the information stored in convertMap with a Java object.
		List<Publisher> publisherList = new ArrayList<>();
		for(String publisherName: convertMap.keySet()) {
			Publisher publisher = new Publisher();
			List<Genre> genreList = new ArrayList<>();

			for(String genreName: convertMap.get(publisherName).keySet()) {
				Genre genre = new Genre();

		return publisherList;



public class DataConvert {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		//Object received as is from the database in the form of a table
		List<BookResultMap> bookResultMaps = new ArrayList<>();
		BookResultMap brm1_1_1 = new BookResultMap("Company A", "programming", "Basic summary");
		BookResultMap brm1_1_2 = new BookResultMap("Company A", "programming", "Even monkeys can understand");
		BookResultMap brm1_2_1 = new BookResultMap("Company A", "Shogi", "Basic summary");
		BookResultMap brm1_2_2 = new BookResultMap("Company A", "Shogi", "Even monkeys can understand");
		BookResultMap brm2_1_1 = new BookResultMap("Company B", "programming", "Basic summary");
		BookResultMap brm2_2_1 = new BookResultMap("Company B", "Shogi", "Basic summary");
		BookResultMap brm1_1_3 = new BookResultMap("Company A", "programming", "Out of order");

		//Data conversion
		List<Publisher> publisherList = convertObject(bookResultMaps);

		System.out.println("publisherList size:" + publisherList.size());
		for(Publisher publisher: publisherList) {
			System.out.println("-------------------"+ publisher.getPublisherName() +"-----------------------");
			System.out.println("size of genreList:" + publisher.getGenreList().size());
			for(Genre genre: publisher.getGenreList()) {
				System.out.println("-------"+ genre.getGenreName() +"--------");
				System.out.println("bookList size:"+  + genre.getBookList().size());
				for(Book book: genre.getBookList()) {

Output result

publisherList size:2
-------------------Company B-----------------------
size of genreList:2
bookList size:1
Company B
Basic summary
bookList size:1
Company B
Basic summary
-------------------Company A-----------------------
size of genreList:2
bookList size:3
Company A
Basic summary
Company A
Even monkeys can understand
Company A
Out of order
bookList size:2
Company A
Basic summary
Company A
Even monkeys can understand

I was able to associate this information with the publisher and genre.

At the end

I think there are other ways, but for the time being, I wrote my own solution. If you want to keep the order of the table, you can change HashMap to LinkedHashMap. I would be grateful if you could let me know if there are any better methods or improvements.

By sorting by SQL or changing the structure, I want you to get the table data in a form that is easier to process ...

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