Register multiple self-made styles in Word at once

Although it is convenient, you can register all Microsoft Word styles with python, which is extremely troublesome to register.

Execution image




As I wrote in Another article, I use pywin32 to process while looking at the currently open document (Word VBA constants are [here] Articles](see, etc.).

By default, a new style is created based on "Formatting the paragraph where the cursor is at the time of execution". I'm having trouble if a large font is specified as the title at the beginning, so I used the "standard" style format as the standard.

import win32com.client

class vb:
    wdLineStyleSingle          = 1
    wdLineWidth050pt           = 4
    wdLineWidth025pt           = 2
    wdLineWidth150pt           = 12
    wdStyleNormal              = -1
    wdStyleTypeCharacter       = 2
    wdStyleTypeParagraphOnly   = 5
    wdStyleTypeTable           = 3
    wdUnderlineThick           = 6
    wdUnderlineDouble          = 3
    wdUnderlineWavyHeavy       = 27
    wdUnderlineDotDotDashHeavy = 26
    wdUnderlineDottedHeavy     = 20
    wdUnderlineDotDashHeavy    = 25
    wdUnderlineDashHeavy       = 23

def colorhex_to_int(colorcode):
    hex = colorcode[1:7]
    r = int(hex[0:2], 16)
    g = int(hex[2:4], 16)
    b = int(hex[4:6], 16)
    return r + g*256 + b*256*256

def add_marker_style(doc, base_style):
    print('creating new marker style...')
    marker_color_table = (
        [1, {"fill":"#f5ff3d", "border":"#1700c2"}],
        [2, {"fill":"#97ff57", "border":"#ff007b"}],
        [3, {"fill":"#5efffc", "border":"#ffaa00"}],
        [4, {"fill":"#ff91fa", "border":"#167335"}],
        [5, {"fill":"#ffca59", "border":"#2f5773"}],
        [6, {"fill":"#d6d6d6", "border":"#0f1c24"}],
    for mkr in marker_color_table:
        marker_style_name = f"myMaker{mkr[0]}"
            marker_style = doc.Styles.Add(marker_style_name, vb.wdStyleTypeParagraphOnly)
            marker_style.ParagraphFormat = base_style.ParagraphFormat
            for i in (-4,-3,-2,-1):
                marker_style.ParagraphFormat.Borders(i).LineStyle = vb.wdLineStyleSingle
                marker_style.ParagraphFormat.Borders(i).LineWidth = vb.wdLineWidth050pt
                marker_style.ParagraphFormat.Borders(i).Color = colorhex_to_int(mkr[1]["border"])
            marker_style.Font = base_style.Font
            marker_style.NextParagraphStyle = base_style
            marker_style.ParagraphFormat.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = colorhex_to_int(mkr[1]["fill"])
            marker_style.ParagraphFormat.OutlineLevel = mkr[0]
            marker_style.QuickStyle = True
            print(f' + "{marker_style_name}"')
            print(f'failed to create style "{marker_style_name}" ...')

def add_character_style(doc, base_style):
    print('creating new character style...')
    char_color_table = (
        [1, "#ffda0a",vb.wdUnderlineThick],
        [2, "#66bdcc",vb.wdUnderlineDotDashHeavy],
        [3, "#a3ff52",vb.wdUnderlineDottedHeavy],
        [4, "#ff7d95",vb.wdUnderlineDouble],
        [5, "#bf3de3",vb.wdUnderlineDashHeavy],
        [6, "#ff9500",vb.wdUnderlineWavyHeavy],
    for char in char_color_table:
        char_style_name = f"myChar{char[0]}"
            char_style = doc.Styles.Add(char_style_name, vb.wdStyleTypeCharacter)
            char_style.Font = base_style.Font
            char_style.Font.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = colorhex_to_int(char[1])
            char_style.Font.Color = colorhex_to_int("#111111")
            char_style.Font.Underline = char[2]
            char_style.QuickStyle = True
            print(f' + "{char_style_name}"')
            print(f'failed to create style "{char_style_name}" ...')

def add_table_style(doc, base_style):
    print(f'creating new table style...')
    border_color_table = (
    for tbl in border_color_table:
        table_style_name = f"myTable{tbl[0]}"
            table_style = doc.Styles.Add(table_style_name, vb.wdStyleTypeTable)
            table_style.Font = base_style.Font
            for i in (-4,-3,-2,-1):
                table_style.Table.Borders(i).LineStyle = vb.wdLineStyleSingle
                table_style.Table.Borders(i).LineWidth = vb.wdLineWidth150pt
                table_style.Table.Borders(i).Color = colorhex_to_int(tbl[1])
                table_style.Table.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = colorhex_to_int("#eeeeee")
            print(f' + "{table_style_name}"')
            print(f'failed to create style "{table_style_name}" ...')

def main():
    wdApp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application")
    if wdApp.Documents.Count < 1:
        if not wdApp.Visible:
        return 0

    doc = wdApp.ActiveDocument
    normalStyle = doc.Styles(vb.wdStyleNormal)

    add_marker_style(doc, normalStyle)
    add_character_style(doc, normalStyle)
    add_table_style(doc, normalStyle)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Call from powershell

The following cmdlet is created and called from the main powershell. Of course, you can call it directly with python

function Set-MyStyleToActiveWordDocumentWithPython {
    if ((Get-Process | Where-Object ProcessName -EQ "winword").Count -lt 1) {
    $pyCodePath = "{0}\python_code\" -f $PSScriptRoot
    'python -B "{0}"' -f $pyCodePath | Invoke-Expression

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