After launching the Mac terminal, The characters ** (base) ** that you are familiar with in the Anaconda prompt are at the beginning. By the way, I recently used Anaconda.
Since there is a possibility that the setting to automatically enable the virtual environment built with Anaconda is effective, I ran the following command to check it.
$ conda config --show | grep auto_activate_base
Now that True
is returned, we know that we need to change the settings.
auto_activate_base: True
・ MacOS Catalina 10.15.3
Now, let's set the setting to be automatically enabled to False
You can rewrite the settings by executing the following command.
$ conda config --set auto_activate_base False
If (base) is still displayed and the problem is not solved after executing it, Please close the open terminal and open a new terminal. I think that (base) has disappeared.
In writing, I referred to this. Thank you very much. -MacOS (OSX) --What to do if (base) is displayed on the mac terminal
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