If you do not know the storage location of the VS Code configuration file and search on the net, many articles will be hit. However, since many articles are not updated, there is a lot of old information that does not reflect the current situation. Therefore, I will leave the current situation as a memorandum. I would like to update the contents from time to time. Please note that the OS is information only for the OS that I often use, so there may be slight differences depending on the OS version and distribution.
settings.json The storage location of settings.json where the basic settings are saved is as follows.
Mac(macOS 10.14.6 Mojave)
~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json
Linux(Ubuntu 18.04)
snippets The path of the directory that stores the code completion information (snippet) is as follows.
Mac(macOS 10.14.6 Mojave)
~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/snippets
Linux(Ubuntu 18.04)
locale.json Locale.json, which contained localization information, has been deprecated in the latest VS Code (as of April 2020: version 1.44.2) and has been replaced by a new file called argv.json. Locale.json was stored in a deep path in the hierarchy, but argv.json is relatively easy to understand.
Mac(macOS 10.14.6 Mojave)
Linux(Ubuntu 18.04)
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