In Ruby, methods with? Do not always return true/false.

Ruby methods are supposed to end in a name with ?.

In fact, built-in classes have methods such as String # empty? and Array # include?. It is customary to name the predicate method, that is, the method for using the truth / falseness of the return value. This is a convention, not a rule.

by the way, Ruby true/false is different from true/false-Qiita As I wrote in, Ruby does not always use true / false to indicate true/false.

In fact, some built-in predicate methods return something other than true / false. For example, String # casecmp? ignores the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters and judges a match. Basically, it returns true / false, but when the string encoding is incompatible. Is designed to return nil.

If the "predicate method" is a "method for using the authenticity of the return value", the delineation is somewhat ambiguous because it is not the specification of the method itself but the purpose of the user. I am thinking. For example, Regexp # match returns a MatchData object if it finds a substring that matches itself in its arguments, otherwise it returns nil, but in Ruby 2.4 [Regexp # match] Until #match?]( appeared

if /\d/.match(str)
  #And so on

It was sometimes used in such situations. It can be said that this was exactly the usage as a predicate method.

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