I searched for CD commands.


I think you use various commands such as [cd] and [ls] in your business. Since each command has an OPTION I think you can work more easily if you use it together with OPTION. This time, I investigated the basic command [cd].


What is cd (change directory)? A command to change the current working directory. Used on UNIX, Windows, dos. [Chdir] is also possible.

2020-01-21  11:12    <DIR>          Desktop
2020-01-22  12:04    <DIR>          Documents
2020-01-21  11:30    <DIR>          Downloads
2019-11-14  10:46    <DIR>          Favorites
2019-11-14  10:46    <DIR>          Links
2019-11-14  10:46    <DIR>          Music

C:\Users\wun916>cd Music   //Go to Music directory

cd option

--cd: Move to your home directory. cd ~, cd $ HOME

mac46:react j-lee$ pwd
mac46:react j-lee$ cd
mac46:~ j-lee$ pwd

mac46:react j-lee$ cd ~
mac46:~ j-lee$ pwd

mac46:react j-lee$ cd $HOME
mac46:~ j-lee$ pwd

cd option

--cd .: Move to the current directory.

mac46:react j-lee$ cd .
mac46:react j-lee$ pwd

--cd ..: Move up one directory from the current directory

mac46:react j-lee$ pwd
mac46:react j-lee$ cd ..
mac46:~ j-lee$ pwd

cd option

--cd /: Move to the top level directory

mac46:app-server-side j-lee$ pwd
mac46:app-server-side j-lee$ cd /
mac46:/ j-lee$ pwd

--cd-: Move to the previous path

mac46:/ j-lee$ pwd
mac46:/ j-lee$ cd -

cd option

--Go to cd directory path: directory

//Use absolute path (root directory)
mac46:/ j-lee$ pwd
mac46:/ j-lee$ cd /Users/j-lee/react/app-server-side/
mac46:app-server-side j-lee$ pwd

//Use relative path (current directory)
mac46:~ j-lee$ cd react/app-server-side
mac46:app-server-side j-lee$ pwd
mac46:app-server-side j-lee$ 

mac46:~ j-lee$ cd ./react
mac46:react j-lee$ pwd

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