[RUBY] Divide into arbitrary numbers from the latitude and longitude of north, south, east and west

#How many vertical and horizontal divisions

#Median of array
cneter_index = (DEVIDE_COUNT / 2) + (DEVIDE_COUNT % 2)

#East, West, South and North
origin_n = 0
origin_s = 50
origin_w = 100
origin_e = 200

north_south_unit = (origin_s - origin_n).fdiv(DEVIDE_COUNT)
west_east_unit = (origin_e - origin_w).fdiv(DEVIDE_COUNT)

#Dividing from north to south and west to east distance_rank increases as the distance from the center increases
Mesh = Struct.new(:nl, :sl, :el, :wl, :distance_rank)
results = []
(1..DEVIDE_COUNT).each do |ns_count|
  (1..DEVIDE_COUNT).each do |ew_count|
    results << Mesh.new(
      origin_n + (north_south_unit * (ns_count -1)),
      origin_n + (north_south_unit * ns_count),
      origin_w + (west_east_unit * (ew_count -1)),
      origin_w + (west_east_unit * ew_count),
      (cneter_index  - ns_count).abs + (cneter_index - ew_count).abs

pp results.sort_by(&:distance_rank)

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