7rep --Insert Dataframe To Elasitcsearch

Code sample to put TSV (CSV) into Elasic search

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch import helpers
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import time
import json
import random
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize

# Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch("{ES_IP}")
INDEX = "{ES_Index_Name}"

reader = pd.read_csv(fname, chunksize=1000, sep='\t',low_memory = False)
df_all = reader.get_chunk() #chunk to dataframe

# json
df_lines = df_all.to_json(force_ascii=False, orient='records', lines=True)

# Bulk inser
actions = []
for i in iter(df_lines.split("\n")):
    v_json = json.loads(i)
        "_index": INDEX,
        "_type": "{ES_Type}",
        "_source": v_json

helpers.bulk(es, actions)

"format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss||yyyy-MM-dd||yyyyMMdd||epoch_millis" If you connect two pipes, you can specify other date formats, and even dates with different shapes can be picked up from Kibana.

PUT hoge
  "mappings": {
    "books": { 
      "properties": {
        "hoge1":     { "type": "integer"  },
        "hoge2":    { "type": "text"  }, 
        "hoge3":     { "type": "text"  },
        "hoge4":     { "type": "text"  },
        "hoge5":     { "type": "integer"  },
        "hoge6":     { "type": "text"  },         
        "hoge7":     { "type": "integer"  },
        "hoge8":     { "type": "text"  },
        "hoge9":     { "type": "text"  },
        "create_date":  {
          "type":   "date", 
          "format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss||yyyy-MM-dd||yyyyMMdd||epoch_millis"

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