Deliver private content with AWS CloudFront

This article is a continuation of Video Streams on AWS S3 + CloudFront.


Connect with a time-limited URL. (One-time URL) I want to restrict viewing to a video stream and distribute it. (I tried it with an image this time) Ultimately, I want to distribute the video using Plone authentication. (Challenge after next time)

S3 and CloudFront settings

Create a new bucket and place a trial image. Try to distribute this image privately.


--Create a new bucket (c2-video-test-private)


--Get CloudFront Access ID

Create a Signed URL

Refer to the following boto item and try to make it in the local Python environment.

The unrestricted URL should be: Not surprisingly, the error is back.


  <Message>Missing Key-Pair-Id query parameter</Message>

Create a restricted URL

(Details of boto relations are described at the bottom)

ACCESS_KEY_ID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
YOUR_KEYPAIR_ID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_LOCATION = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pem"
url = " "
expire_time = int(time.time() +3600)

conn = CloudFrontConnection(ACCESS_KEY_ID, SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
distribution = Distribution(connection=conn, config=None, domain_name='', id='', last_modified_time=None, status='')

signed_url = distribution.create_signed_url(url=url, keypair_id=YOUR_KEYPAIR_ID, expire_time=expire_time, private_key_file=YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_LOCATION)
>>> print signed_url

Access test in browser

I was able to access 2014/07/22 18:14. 2014/07/22 It should not be accessible at 19:15


boto is a Python module that manipulates AWS APIs. It used to be unofficial on Amazon, but now that the developers are now affiliated with Amazon, it should be semi-official.

Advance preparation

$ pip install rsa
$ pip install boto

How to get the Signed URL

The explanation was below.

create_signed_url(url, keypair_id, expire_time=None, valid_after_time=None, ip_address=None, policy_url=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_string=None)

Below was a sample

import boto
from boto.cloudfront import CloudFrontConnection
from boto.cloudfront.distribution import Distribution

expire_time = int(time.time() +3000)
conn = CloudFrontConnection('ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')

##enter the id or domain name to select a distribution
distribution = Distribution(connection=conn, config=None, domain_name='', id='', last_modified_time=None, status='')
signed_url = distribution.create_signed_url(url='YOUR_URL', keypair_id='YOUR_KEYPAIR_ID_example-APKAIAZVIO4BQ',expire_time=expire_time,private_key_file="YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_LOCATION")

URL referenced during the survey

-[AWS Meister Series] Content distribution by Amazon CloudFront / Amazon Elastic Transcoder There is an explanation on P29

--Accessing private content with Amazon CloudFront Part 1 There is a manual in English on the AWS management console, and at present, it seems that all operations can be performed from the web management console.

Try it with a video

Make the above correspond to the video stream that was set to TODO


--C2-video-test-private Add video folder to bucket --Added PyConAPACTW2014terada.mp4 to video folder --Added stream-enabled Distribution to CloudFront

Up to this point, it should be easy to do by reviewing the past.

Create a Signed URL

Work with boto as above

>>> url = "rtmp://"
>>> policy_url = "video/*"
>>> signed_url = distribution.create_signed_url(url=url, keypair_id=YOUR_KEYPAIR_ID, expire_time=expire_time, private_key_file=YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_LOCATION, policy_url=policy_url)
>>> print signed_url

Template for video display

Make the src part a Signed URL.

<source src="rtmp://"
                 type='rtmp/mp4' />

Test page

I think that the viewing deadline has already passed, but I confirmed that you can see it below

TODO from the next time onwards

--I want to restrict viewing to the video stream and distribute it. -> 20140801 Described in the "Try with video" item above. --Investigating what happens with HLS for iOS-> ――Finally, I want to distribute the video using Plone authentication.

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Private content distribution with AWS CloudFront

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