Terraform: (and Ansible: and Chef :) Extract a hash from an array where a key has a specific value.

What you want to do

** With terraform, ** Attr with name n2 is taken out from the array (list) of hash (map) as shown below. The key is unique.

  - name: n1
    attr: attr1
  - name: n2
    attr: attr2
  - name: n3
    attr: attr3

If it is ansible, the selectattr filter can be used, and if chef | ruby, the select method can be used.

Method: Use wildcard-specified index.


Use .tf.json instead of .ft


  "locals": {
    "array_01": [
      { "name": "n1", "attr": "attr1" },
      { "name": "n2", "attr": "attr2" },
      { "name": "n3", "attr": "attr3" }
  "output": {
    "array_01_name": {
      "value": "${ local.array_01.*.name }"
    "n2_attr": {
      "value": "${ local.array_01[ index( local.array_01.*.name, \"n2\" ) ].attr }"

I also put the yaml format using the yq utility to make the contents easier to see.

$ yq -y . main.tf.json
    - name: n1
      attr: attr1
    - name: n2
      attr: attr2
    - name: n3
      attr: attr3
    value: ${ local.array_01.*.name }
    value: ${ local.array_01[ index( local.array_01.*.name, "n2" ) ].attr }

Here, local.array_01. \ *. Name is an element of local.array_01 and the key is an array (list) of values with name :, and index (local.array_01. \ . Name, "n2") is name. Is 1 of the element number (starting with 0) where is n2. You can also use local.array_01 [] .name.

$ terraform apply --auto-approve 

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


array_01_name = [
n2_attr = attr2

In addition, probably because it is only local and output, terraform init was not necessary, and even if terraform init was performed, the .terraform directory was not created.


In addition, when fetching from a resource by wildcard, there was a case where the element types were not aligned and? Index became an error. terraform or provider bug? This was avoided by giving the list created by the for statement to index.

Example of avoiding by passing the list created by the for statement to index


  "locals": {
    "array_01": [
        "name": "n1",
        "attr": "attr1"
        "name": "n2",
        "attr": "attr2"
        "name": "n3",
        "attr": "attr3"
  "output": {
    "array_01_name": {
      "value": "${ local.array_01.*.name }"
    "n2_attr": {
      "value": "${ local.array_01[ index( [ for s in local.array_01 : s.name ], \"n2\") ].attr }"
$ terraform apply --auto-approve

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


array_01_name = [
n2_attr = attr2

Ansible example


- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
      - name: n1
        attr: attr1
      - name: n2
        attr: attr2
      - name: n3
        attr: attr3
    - debug: msg={{ ( array_01 | selectattr("name", "equalto", "n2") | list )[0].attr }}

    - debug: msg={{ ( array_01 | selectattr("name", "==", "n2") | list )[0].attr }}

    - debug: msg={{ ( array_01 | json_query("[?name=='n2'].attr"))[0] }}
$ ansible-playbook -i localhost, -c local selectattr.yml
PLAY [all] *******************************************************************************************************

TASK [debug] *****************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "attr2"

TASK [debug] *****************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "attr2"

TASK [debug] *****************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "attr2"

PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

Chef (or Ruby) example


require 'yaml'

array_01 = YAML.load(<<~EOS)
  - name: n1
    attr: attr1
  - name: n2
    attr: attr2
  - name: n3
    attr: attr3

p array_01.select { |e| e['name'] == 'n2' }[0]['attr']
$ ruby select.rb 

Reference: terraform



I'm touching a wildcard a little. https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration-0-11/resources.html

No description of the wildcard was found in the official index section. https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/functions/index.html

Reference: ansible


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