[Ruby] How to extract a specific value from an array under multiple conditions [select / each]

To be able to

You can use multiple conditions to find a particular value in an array.

Example) From the numbers 1 to 10, derive the one that is 5 or less and is divided by 2. You will be able to solve problems like this.


Use Array # each and Array # select.

numbers = (1..10).to_a
rule = [["<", 5],["%", 2]]

rule.each do |b|
    numbers.select! do |a|
        if b[0] == "<" 
            a <= b[1]
            a % b[1] == 0

p numbers # [2,4]

What do you mean

It is necessary to turn the condition (rule this time) with each and put the one you want to determine (number this time) in it. I used to be in trouble on the contrary, and recently I noticed this method, so I summarized it.

I would be happy if it could be a solution for someone who was stuck with the same problem.

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