[RUBY] How to create search conditions involving multiple models

This time, the product name (name) and product description (description) saved in the items table A keyword from the tag name (tag _name) values stored in the tags table I want to create an implementation of a searchable function. (The items table and the tags table are associated using an intermediate table in a many-to-many relationship.)

Create your own method in 1 item model, define the search conditions from each table and assign them to variables (@item, @sescription and @tag) 2 Create an empty array and assign it to a variable (@items) 3 Get it as one element by applying each method and add it to the array. (As for tags, one product may have multiple tags, so double each is applied.) 4 Use the uniq method to remove the overlapping elements. (Example: When you search for "apple", if the keyword "apple" is included in both the product name @item and the product description @description, the same product will be included in the array @items. Because) 5 Finally, explicitly describe the return value and send the data to params (@items)


def self.item_search(search)
    if search != ""
      @item = Item.where('name LIKE(?)', "%#{search}%")
      @description = Item.where('description LIKE(?)', "%#{search}%")
      @tag = Tag.where('tag_name LIKE(?)', "%#{search}%")
      @items = []
       @item.each do |i| 
         @items << i
       @description.each do |d|
        @items << d
      @tag.each do |t|
        t.items.each do |ta|
          @items << ta
      @items = @items.uniq
      return @items

      return nil


6 Call the "item_search method" created in the model earlier with the controller.


 def item_search
    @items = Item.item_search(params[:keyword])

7 Extract the elements contained in the array @items using the each method.


<% @items.each do |i| %>
  <% =i.name%>
<% end %>

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