[JAVA] How to install multiple JDKs on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

This is a summary of how to install multiple JDKs (Java Development Kits) on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.


  1. Execute the sudo add-apt-repository ppa: linuxuprising / java command to add the repository.
  2. Execute the sudo apt update command to update the package list.
  3. Run the sudo apt install default-jre command to install the default JRE.
    * If there is software that does not correspond to the version of JDK set as the default, it may be solved by using this JRE.
  4. Do this for all the JDKs you want to install:
  5. Run the sudo apt install oracle-java * -installer command to install the JDK.
    * Enter the JDK version ( 8 for Java 8) in*.


  1. Execute the sudo apt install oracle-java * -set-default command to set the JDK environment.
    * In *, enter the JDK version ( 8 for Java 8) to be set as the default.

  2. Run the sudo update-alternatives --config java command and select the default java command.

  3. Run the sudo update-alternatives --config javac command and select the default javac command.

  4. Run the sudo update-alternatives --config javaws command and select the default javaws command.

  5. Execute the nano ~ / .bashrc command and add the following.

    JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/javac | sed "s:/bin/javac::")
    export JAVA_HOME
    export PATH
  6. Execute the source ~ / .bashrc command.

  7. Execute the java -version command, and if the version of JDK to be set as the default is displayed, it is successful.


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