[Ruby on Rails] How to install Bootstrap in Rails

What is Bootstrap

-It is a CSS framework developed by Teitter. -You can easily create a site design. -Since commonly used styles are predefined, you can create a well-designed page by using the defined rules.

How to install Bootstrap

1. Add gem

Add the following gem to use Bootstrap. ・ Bootstrap-sass


gem 'bootstrap-sass', '3.4.1' 

Write to the Gemfile and run bundle install. After executing the command, the installation is complete when the clause containing the character string ** "Bundle complete!" ** is displayed at the end.

2. Have the file load bootstrap

Select the css file to which you want to apply Bootstrap. Then enter the code as shown below.


@import "bootstrap-sprockets";
@import "bootstrap";

When you're done entering the code, change the extension from ** " css " ** to ** " scss " **.


@import "bootstrap-sprockets";
@import "bootstrap";

This is the end of bootstrap installation.

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