[Ruby on Rails] How to avoid creating unnecessary routes for devise


Do not create unnecessary routes that devise automatically creates. → Prevent the creation of a new admin.

Development environment

ruby 2.5.7 Rails OS: macOS Catalina


-Build login environment with devise

Described in seed

Describe the administrator information in seed.



  email: '[email protected]',
  password: 'aaaaaa',


$ rails db:seed

You can now log in to the admin page.

Edit routes


  devise_for :admins, :skip => [:registrations, :password],controllers: {
    sessions: 'admins/sessions',

If the login page is in the default state

If nothing is done, an error will occur, so delete the relevant part of the following file.


<%- if devise_mapping.registerable? && controller_name != 'registrations' %>
  <%= link_to "Sign up", new_registration_path(resource_name) %><br />
<% end %>

<%- if devise_mapping.recoverable? && controller_name != 'passwords' && controller_name != 'registrations' %>
  <%= link_to "Forgot your password?", new_password_path(resource_name) %><br />
<% end %>


How do I remove the Devise route to sign up?

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