[JAVA] Où puis-je obtenir des fichiers binaires et des archives OpenJDK?

OpenJDK binary and archive

Where can I get OpenJDK binaries and archives?

Oracle (java.net)

JDK 10


Red Hat

Red Hat provides OpenJDK binaries which includes implementation of icedtea for Windows. If you want Linux binaries, buy RHEL and run yum install java or get from customer portal.

Azul Systems

Azul Systems provides Zulu which is a certified build of OpenJDK for Windows / MacOS / Linux. https://www.azul.com/downloads/zulu/

Adopt OpenJDK (Java User Groups)

AdoptOpenJDK provides prebuilt OpenJDK binaries for Linux, MacOS, and Windows. It's useful for testing your application before GA release.


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