L'environnement est Ubuntu 16.04
La source du fichier de classe que j'ai créé il y a environ 10 ans manque, je l'ai donc décompilé.
"Décompiler la classe avec jad" http://qiita.com/Takmiy/items/0c968aab8460d93166b0
Essayez de voir
Jad 1.5.8e for Linux on Intel platform (214917 bytes).
Jad 1.5.8e for Linux (statically linked) (389972 bytes) - take this version if the one above crashes or displays the "seek error" message.
Après avoir téléchargé et exécuté ce qui précède
./jad: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Depuis qu'il est devenu, téléchargez ce qui suit et exécutez-le. Essayez de décompiler ../PDFConverter.class.
$ ./jad ../PDFConverter.class
Parsing ../PDFConverter.class...The class file version is 49.0 (only 45.3, 46.0 and 47.0 are supported)
Generating PDFConverter.jad
Overlapped try statements detected. Not all exception handlers will be resolved in the method main
Couldn't fully decompile method main
Couldn't resolve all exception handlers in method main
Ah, (seuls 45,3, 46,0 et 47,0 sont pris en charge). Je pensais que cela ne fonctionnerait pas, mais un fichier appelé PDFConverter.jad a été créé.
$ head -30 PDFConverter.jad
// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
// Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html
// Decompiler options: packimports(3)
// Source File Name: PDFConverter.java
import com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue;
import com.sun.star.comp.helper.Bootstrap;
import com.sun.star.frame.XComponentLoader;
import com.sun.star.frame.XStorable;
import com.sun.star.lang.XComponent;
import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiComponentFactory;
import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
import com.sun.star.uno.XComponentContext;
import com.sun.star.util.XCloseable;
import java.io.File;
public class PDFConverter
public PDFConverter()
public static void main(String args[])
String s = convertToURL(args[0]);
String s1 = getFilterName(args[0]);
String s2 = s.replaceAll("\\..{3}\\Z", ".pdf");
XComponentContext xcomponentcontext = Bootstrap.bootstrap();
XMultiComponentFactory xmulticomponentfactory = xcomponentcontext.getServiceManager();
http://jd.benow.ca/ Téléchargez ici
Puisque la capture d'écran est Windows, j'ai eu un mauvais pressentiment, mais je suis soulagé par le multi-plateforme. Téléchargez jd-gui_1.4.0-0_all.deb.
$ sudo dpkg -i jd-gui_1.4.0-0_all.deb
[sudo]mot de passe nanbuwks:
Package jd précédemment non sélectionné-gui est sélectionné.
(Chargement de la base de données...Actuellement, 793826 fichiers et répertoires sont installés.)
jd-gui_1.4.0-0_all.Préparation du déploiement de deb...
jd-gui (1.4.0-0)Déploie...
jd-gui (1.4.0-0)Est réglé...
Appelez et exécutez JD-GUI à partir de Dash of Unity
J'ai bien fait.
$ diff PDFConverter.jad ../PDFConverter-jdgui.java
< // Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
< // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html
< // Decompiler options: packimports(3)
< // Source File Name: PDFConverter.java
< public PDFConverter()
> public static void main(String[] paramArrayOfString)
> {
> try
> String str1 = convertToURL(paramArrayOfString[0]);
> String str2 = getFilterName(paramArrayOfString[0]);
> String str3 = str1.replaceAll("\\..{3}\\Z", ".pdf");
> XComponentContext localXComponentContext = Bootstrap.bootstrap();
> XMultiComponentFactory localXMultiComponentFactory = localXComponentContext.getServiceManager();
> Object localObject1 = localXMultiComponentFactory.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop", localXComponentContext);
> XComponentLoader localXComponentLoader = (XComponentLoader)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentLoader.class, localObject1);
> PropertyValue[] arrayOfPropertyValue = new PropertyValue[2];
> arrayOfPropertyValue[0] = new PropertyValue();
> arrayOfPropertyValue[0].Name = "Hidden";
> arrayOfPropertyValue[0].Value = new Boolean(true);
> arrayOfPropertyValue[1] = new PropertyValue();
> arrayOfPropertyValue[1].Name = "ReadOnly";
> arrayOfPropertyValue[1].Value = new Boolean(true);
> XComponent localXComponent1 = localXComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(str1, "_blank", 0, arrayOfPropertyValue);
> arrayOfPropertyValue[0] = new PropertyValue();
> arrayOfPropertyValue[0].Name = "FilterName";
> arrayOfPropertyValue[0].Value = str2;
> arrayOfPropertyValue[1] = new PropertyValue();
> arrayOfPropertyValue[1].Name = "Overwrite";
> arrayOfPropertyValue[1].Value = new Boolean(true);
> XStorable localXStorable = (XStorable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, localXComponent1);
> localXStorable.storeToURL(str3, arrayOfPropertyValue);
> XCloseable localXCloseable = (XCloseable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCloseable.class, localXStorable);
> if (localXCloseable != null)
> {
> localXCloseable.close(false);
> }
> else
> {
> XComponent localXComponent2 = (XComponent)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponent.class, localXStorable);
> localXComponent2.dispose();
> }
< public static void main(String args[])
> catch (Exception localException)
< String s = convertToURL(args[0]);
< String s1 = getFilterName(args[0]);
< String s2 = s.replaceAll("\\..{3}\\Z", ".pdf");
< XComponentContext xcomponentcontext = Bootstrap.bootstrap();
< XMultiComponentFactory xmulticomponentfactory = xcomponentcontext.getServiceManager();
< Object obj = xmulticomponentfactory.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop", xcomponentcontext);
< XComponentLoader xcomponentloader = (XComponentLoader)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(com/sun/star/frame/XComponentLoader, obj);
< PropertyValue apropertyvalue[] = new PropertyValue[2];
< apropertyvalue[0] = new PropertyValue();
< apropertyvalue[0].Name = "Hidden";
< apropertyvalue[0].Value = new Boolean(true);
< apropertyvalue[1] = new PropertyValue();
< apropertyvalue[1].Name = "ReadOnly";
< apropertyvalue[1].Value = new Boolean(true);
< XComponent xcomponent = xcomponentloader.loadComponentFromURL(s, "_blank", 0, apropertyvalue);
< apropertyvalue[0] = new PropertyValue();
< apropertyvalue[0].Name = "FilterName";
< apropertyvalue[0].Value = s1;
< apropertyvalue[1] = new PropertyValue();
< apropertyvalue[1].Name = "Overwrite";
< apropertyvalue[1].Value = new Boolean(true);
< XStorable xstorable = (XStorable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(com/sun/star/frame/XStorable, xcomponent);
< xstorable.storeToURL(s2, apropertyvalue);
< XCloseable xcloseable = (XCloseable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(com/sun/star/util/XCloseable, xstorable);
< if(xcloseable != null)
< {
< xcloseable.close(false);
< } else
< {
< XComponent xcomponent1 = (XComponent)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(com/sun/star/lang/XComponent, xstorable);
< xcomponent1.dispose();
< }
< System.exit(0);
< Exception exception;
< exception;
< exception.printStackTrace();
< System.exit(1);
< System.exit(0);
< Exception exception1;
< exception1;
< System.exit(0);
< throw exception1;
> localException.printStackTrace();
> System.exit(1);
< private static String convertToURL(String s)
< throws Exception
> finally
< File file = new File(s);
< StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer("file:///");
< stringbuffer.append(file.getCanonicalPath().replace('\\', '/'));
< return stringbuffer.toString();
> System.exit(0);
< private static String getFilterName(String s)
< throws Exception
< {
< String s1 = s.substring(s.length() - 4).toLowerCase();
< String s2 = "";
< if(s1.equals(".doc") || s1.equals(".dot") || s1.equals(".sxw") || s1.equals(".stw") || s1.equals(".odt") || s1.equals(".ott"))
< s2 = "writer_pdf_Export";
< else
< if(s1.equals(".xls") || s1.equals(".xlt") || s1.equals(".sxc") || s1.equals(".stc") || s1.equals(".ods") || s1.equals(".ots"))
< s2 = "calc_pdf_Export";
< else
< if(s1.equals(".ppt") || s1.equals(".pot") || s1.equals(".sxi") || s1.equals(".sti") || s1.equals(".odp") || s1.equals(".otp"))
< s2 = "impress_pdf_Export";
< else
< if(s1.equals(".sxd") || s1.equals(".std") || s1.equals(".odg") || s1.equals(".otg"))
< s2 = "draw_pdf_Export";
< else
< throw new Exception("There is no corresponding filter.");
< return s2;
> }
> private static String convertToURL(String paramString)
> throws Exception
> {
> File localFile = new File(paramString);
> StringBuffer localStringBuffer = new StringBuffer("file:///");
> localStringBuffer.append(localFile.getCanonicalPath().replace('\\', '/'));
> return localStringBuffer.toString();
> }
> private static String getFilterName(String paramString)
> throws Exception
> {
> String str1 = paramString.substring(paramString.length() - 4).toLowerCase();
> String str2 = "";
> if ((str1.equals(".doc")) || (str1.equals(".dot")) || (str1.equals(".sxw")) || (str1.equals(".stw")) || (str1.equals(".odt")) || (str1.equals(".ott"))) {
> str2 = "writer_pdf_Export";
> } else if ((str1.equals(".xls")) || (str1.equals(".xlt")) || (str1.equals(".sxc")) || (str1.equals(".stc")) || (str1.equals(".ods")) || (str1.equals(".ots"))) {
> str2 = "calc_pdf_Export";
> } else if ((str1.equals(".ppt")) || (str1.equals(".pot")) || (str1.equals(".sxi")) || (str1.equals(".sti")) || (str1.equals(".odp")) || (str1.equals(".otp"))) {
> str2 = "impress_pdf_Export";
> } else if ((str1.equals(".sxd")) || (str1.equals(".std")) || (str1.equals(".odg")) || (str1.equals(".otg"))) {
> str2 = "draw_pdf_Export";
> } else {
> throw new Exception("There is no corresponding filter.");
> return str2;
> }
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