[JAVA] Source des objets cellulaires

Un objet avec une fonction pour créer une instance de nouvelle génération spécialisée pour les changements environnementaux. J'ai l'impression que ce n'est qu'un code pilote pour Generics et Lambda.

Ceci est un mémo.

Créez une super classe O qui peut avoir la fonction correspondante si elle est héritée.

package premodial;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;

 * Origin
 * @author dev_user
public abstract class O <DATA extends Object, SELF extends O<DATA, ?>>{

	 * DATA is Origin's parameter.

	private final DATA data;

	protected O(final DATA d){
		this.data = d;

	public final DATA getData(){
		return data;

	public abstract SELF instance(final DATA d);

	public final O<?, ?> cloneInstance(){
		return instance(data);

	 * childs is Origin's childs. Childs have generation.

	protected O<?, ?> parent = null;

	protected final Collection<O<?, ?>> childs = childsCollection();

	public abstract Collection<O<?, ?>> childsCollection();

	public final void addChild(final O<?, ?> child){
		child.parent = this;

	public final void addChilds(final O<?, ?>...childs){
		Arrays.stream(childs).forEach(c -> addChild(c));

	public final Collection<O<?, ?>> getChilds(){
		final Collection<O<?, ?>> collection = childsCollection();
		childs.stream().forEach(c -> collection.add(c));
		return collection;

	public final int getChildsSize(){
		return childs.size();

	public final void addGenerations(final O<?, ?>...generations){
		O<?, ?> o = this;
		for(O<?, ?> g : generations){
			o = g;

	public final O<?, ?> getFirstGeneration(){
		return getFirstGeneration(parent);

	private static O<?, ?> getFirstGeneration(final O<?, ?> parent) {
		/*Version récursive
		if(parent == null){
			return null;
		if(parent.parent == null){
			return parent;
		return getFirstGeneration(parent.parent);
		O<?, ?> p = parent;
			O<?, ?> now = p;
			p = p.parent;
			if(p == null){
				return now;

	 * Origin can create self clone, of another instance.
	 * Origin can create new self by other data in environmental.
	 * Origin can create self child(inheritance).

	public final SELF replicate(){
		final SELF o = instance(data);
		for(final O<?, ?> child : childs){
		return o;
		/*S'il y a de nombreux cas de récurrence, elle tombera en raison d'une mémoire excessive, nous prévoyons donc de la réécrire sous une forme non récursive.
		SELF o = instance(data);
		Collection<O<?, ?>> childCollection = childs;
		for(final O<?, ?> child : childCollection){
			final O<?, ?> newChild = child.cloneInstance();
		return o;

	public final SELF evolution(final Function<DATA, DATA> environmental){
		return instance(environmental.apply(data));

	public final SELF evolution(final BiFunction<DATA, DATA, DATA> environmental){
		return instance(environmental.apply(parent != null ? (DATA)parent.data : null, data));

	public final SELF inheritance(){
		final SELF child = instance(data);
		return child;

	public final SELF inheritance(final Function<DATA, DATA> environmental){
		final SELF child = evolution(environmental);
		return child;

	public final SELF inheritance(final BiFunction<DATA, DATA, DATA> environmental){
		final SELF child = evolution(environmental);
		return child;

	public final void print(){
		System.out.println(data.toString() + ", data_hashCode=" + data.hashCode() + ", o_hashCode=" + hashCode() + ", childs=" + getChildsSize());

	protected Function<DATA, DATA> environmentalMemory = null;

	public final void memoryEnvironmental(final Function<DATA, DATA> environmentalMemory){
		this.environmentalMemory = environmentalMemory;

	public final SELF nextGeneration(){
		final SELF g = instance(environmentalMemory != null ? environmentalMemory.apply(data) : data);
		g.environmentalMemory = environmentalMemory;
		return g;


Un objet qui gère longtemps, héritant de O.

package premodial;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

public final class OLong extends O<Long, OLong>{

	protected OLong(Long d){

	public OLong instance(Long d){
		return of(d);

	public static OLong of(Long i){
		return new OLong(i);

	public Collection<O<?, ?>> childsCollection(){
		return new ArrayList<O<?, ?>>();


Utilisez OLong pour calculer la séquence de Fibonacci.

		final BiFunction<Long, Long, Long> fibonacciCalc = (p, c) -> {
			if(p == null){
				return 0l;
			}else if(p == 0){
				return 1l;
				return p + c;
		long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
		OLong fibonacci = OLong.of(0l);
		OLong fibonacciFirst = fibonacci;
		int fibonacciLoop = 20;
		for(int i = 0; i < fibonacciLoop; i++){
			fibonacci = fibonacci.inheritance(fibonacciCalc);
			System.out.println(fibonacci.getData().toString() + ", o_HashCode=" + fibonacci.hashCode());
		System.out.println((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms");

		start = System.currentTimeMillis();
		long a = 0;
		long b = 1;
		for(int i = 0; i < (fibonacciLoop - 2); i++){
			long c = a + b;
			a = b;
			b = c;
		System.out.println((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms");

		System.out.println("fibonacci childs-----");
		printChilds(fibonacciFirst, true);
		start = System.currentTimeMillis();
		OLong fibonacciReplicated = fibonacciFirst.replicate();
		System.out.println((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms");
		printChilds(fibonacciReplicated, true);

Résultat de l'exécution.

0, o_HashCode=1190900417
1, o_HashCode=379110473
1, o_HashCode=99550389
2, o_HashCode=1598924227
3, o_HashCode=1144748369
5, o_HashCode=340870931
8, o_HashCode=1768305536
13, o_HashCode=1530388690
21, o_HashCode=1146743572
34, o_HashCode=1512981843
55, o_HashCode=42768293
89, o_HashCode=1717159510
144, o_HashCode=1834188994
233, o_HashCode=1174361318
377, o_HashCode=589873731
610, o_HashCode=200006406
987, o_HashCode=2052001577
1597, o_HashCode=1160264930
2584, o_HashCode=544724190
4181, o_HashCode=1972439101
fibonacci childs-----
0, data_hashCode=0, o_hashCode=2007328737, childs=1
0, data_hashCode=0, o_hashCode=1190900417, childs=1
1, data_hashCode=1, o_hashCode=379110473, childs=1
1, data_hashCode=1, o_hashCode=99550389, childs=1
2, data_hashCode=2, o_hashCode=1598924227, childs=1
3, data_hashCode=3, o_hashCode=1144748369, childs=1
5, data_hashCode=5, o_hashCode=340870931, childs=1
8, data_hashCode=8, o_hashCode=1768305536, childs=1
13, data_hashCode=13, o_hashCode=1530388690, childs=1
21, data_hashCode=21, o_hashCode=1146743572, childs=1
34, data_hashCode=34, o_hashCode=1512981843, childs=1
55, data_hashCode=55, o_hashCode=42768293, childs=1
89, data_hashCode=89, o_hashCode=1717159510, childs=1
144, data_hashCode=144, o_hashCode=1834188994, childs=1
233, data_hashCode=233, o_hashCode=1174361318, childs=1
377, data_hashCode=377, o_hashCode=589873731, childs=1
610, data_hashCode=610, o_hashCode=200006406, childs=1
987, data_hashCode=987, o_hashCode=2052001577, childs=1
1597, data_hashCode=1597, o_hashCode=1160264930, childs=1
2584, data_hashCode=2584, o_hashCode=544724190, childs=1
4181, data_hashCode=4181, o_hashCode=1972439101, childs=0
0, data_hashCode=0, o_hashCode=1936628443, childs=1
0, data_hashCode=0, o_hashCode=1830908236, childs=1
1, data_hashCode=1, o_hashCode=277630005, childs=1
1, data_hashCode=1, o_hashCode=1288354730, childs=1
2, data_hashCode=2, o_hashCode=1274370218, childs=1
3, data_hashCode=3, o_hashCode=758705033, childs=1
5, data_hashCode=5, o_hashCode=1604839423, childs=1
8, data_hashCode=8, o_hashCode=1177096266, childs=1
13, data_hashCode=13, o_hashCode=670576685, childs=1
21, data_hashCode=21, o_hashCode=1299641336, childs=1
34, data_hashCode=34, o_hashCode=764308918, childs=1
55, data_hashCode=55, o_hashCode=598446861, childs=1
89, data_hashCode=89, o_hashCode=1161082381, childs=1
144, data_hashCode=144, o_hashCode=1067938912, childs=1
233, data_hashCode=233, o_hashCode=1637506559, childs=1
377, data_hashCode=377, o_hashCode=517380410, childs=1
610, data_hashCode=610, o_hashCode=2117255219, childs=1
987, data_hashCode=987, o_hashCode=2058534881, childs=1
1597, data_hashCode=1597, o_hashCode=1232367853, childs=1
2584, data_hashCode=2584, o_hashCode=1673605040, childs=1
4181, data_hashCode=4181, o_hashCode=186276003, childs=0

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