Fichiers de contrôle à construire dans le projet Golang


We are developing a project that needs to run on Windows and Linux. The project is written in Golang. There are a lot of codes that can be shared between these OS, so we decided to make it in the same project. By this way we can speed up the development process very much.

In the project, there are some code files that run on Windows only, some run on Linux only, and some run on both Windows and Linux. And we want to separating them on build. It means:


By separating files on build, I can see that we have some benefits:

How can we do it

Firstly we need to divide the code for Linux and for Windows into different files. After that we can use one of the following ways.

Name the file

We can tell go what OS and what architecture we want to build a file by naming it. The followings are examples about file names and build behaviors:

The file name patterns are:

We can do this way if the build condition is only about OS and architecture.

Use // +build command

This way gives us more control on the environment. We can specify multiple OS and architectures, compiler, go version, -tags

// file name: hello.go
// +build linux windows
// +build amd64

package hello

The comment // +build above will tell go to build the file on Windows 64bit or Linux 64 bit. So when we build the project in freebsd, the package hello will be excluded from the files to be built.

If we have a test for this package, it will be something like this:

// file name: hello_test.go
// +build linux windows
// +build amd64

package hello

The comment // +build above will tell go to exclude this file from test on environments that are not Linux 64bit or Windows 64bit for us. We don't have to check the OS then skip the test.

For complex usage of // +build, please check golang documentation here:


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