Description à afficher avec Python> fonction> Docstrings> help () / .__ doc__

Environnement d'exploitation

CentOS release 6.8 (Final)
Python 2.6.6

@ Introducing Python: Modern Computing in Simple Packages by Bill Lubanovic (No. 2599 / 12833)

Quelque chose appelé Docstrings a été introduit. J'ai essayé.

def my_echo(anything):
	prints [anything]
	with an air of reserve
	does not take [anything] seriously
	print("(in a small voice)"),



$ python
Help on function my_echo in module __main__:

    prints [anything]
    with an air of reserve
    does not take [anything] seriously


Conventions relatives aux Docstrings


@ Introducing Python: Modern Computing in Simple Packages by Bill Lubanovic (No. 2628 / 12833)

Un exemple d'utilisation de «doc» est présenté. J'ai essayé.

def my_echo(anything):
	prints [anything]
	with an air of reserve
	does not take [anything] seriously
	print("(in a small voice)"),



$ python 

	prints [anything]
	with an air of reserve
	does not take [anything] seriously

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