Bien que cela soit pratique, vous pouvez enregistrer tous les styles Microsoft Word avec python, ce qui est extrêmement difficile à enregistrer.
Comme je l'ai écrit dans Another article, j'utilise pywin32 pour regarder le document actuellement ouvert et le traiter (les constantes Word VBA sont [ici]) Articles](voir, etc.).
Par défaut, un nouveau style est créé basé sur "Formatage du paragraphe où se trouve le curseur au moment de l'exécution". J'ai utilisé le format de style "standard" comme standard car ce serait un problème si une grande police était spécifiée comme titre au début.
import win32com.client
class vb:
wdLineStyleSingle = 1
wdLineWidth050pt = 4
wdLineWidth025pt = 2
wdLineWidth150pt = 12
wdStyleNormal = -1
wdStyleTypeCharacter = 2
wdStyleTypeParagraphOnly = 5
wdStyleTypeTable = 3
wdUnderlineThick = 6
wdUnderlineDouble = 3
wdUnderlineWavyHeavy = 27
wdUnderlineDotDotDashHeavy = 26
wdUnderlineDottedHeavy = 20
wdUnderlineDotDashHeavy = 25
wdUnderlineDashHeavy = 23
def colorhex_to_int(colorcode):
hex = colorcode[1:7]
r = int(hex[0:2], 16)
g = int(hex[2:4], 16)
b = int(hex[4:6], 16)
return r + g*256 + b*256*256
def add_marker_style(doc, base_style):
print('creating new marker style...')
marker_color_table = (
[1, {"fill":"#f5ff3d", "border":"#1700c2"}],
[2, {"fill":"#97ff57", "border":"#ff007b"}],
[3, {"fill":"#5efffc", "border":"#ffaa00"}],
[4, {"fill":"#ff91fa", "border":"#167335"}],
[5, {"fill":"#ffca59", "border":"#2f5773"}],
[6, {"fill":"#d6d6d6", "border":"#0f1c24"}],
for mkr in marker_color_table:
marker_style_name = f"myMaker{mkr[0]}"
marker_style = doc.Styles.Add(marker_style_name, vb.wdStyleTypeParagraphOnly)
marker_style.ParagraphFormat = base_style.ParagraphFormat
for i in (-4,-3,-2,-1):
marker_style.ParagraphFormat.Borders(i).LineStyle = vb.wdLineStyleSingle
marker_style.ParagraphFormat.Borders(i).LineWidth = vb.wdLineWidth050pt
marker_style.ParagraphFormat.Borders(i).Color = colorhex_to_int(mkr[1]["border"])
marker_style.Font = base_style.Font
marker_style.NextParagraphStyle = base_style
marker_style.ParagraphFormat.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = colorhex_to_int(mkr[1]["fill"])
marker_style.ParagraphFormat.OutlineLevel = mkr[0]
marker_style.QuickStyle = True
print(f' + "{marker_style_name}"')
print(f'failed to create style "{marker_style_name}" ...')
def add_character_style(doc, base_style):
print('creating new character style...')
char_color_table = (
[1, "#ffda0a",vb.wdUnderlineThick],
[2, "#66bdcc",vb.wdUnderlineDotDashHeavy],
[3, "#a3ff52",vb.wdUnderlineDottedHeavy],
[4, "#ff7d95",vb.wdUnderlineDouble],
[5, "#bf3de3",vb.wdUnderlineDashHeavy],
[6, "#ff9500",vb.wdUnderlineWavyHeavy],
for char in char_color_table:
char_style_name = f"myChar{char[0]}"
char_style = doc.Styles.Add(char_style_name, vb.wdStyleTypeCharacter)
char_style.Font = base_style.Font
char_style.Font.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = colorhex_to_int(char[1])
char_style.Font.Color = colorhex_to_int("#111111")
char_style.Font.Underline = char[2]
char_style.QuickStyle = True
print(f' + "{char_style_name}"')
print(f'failed to create style "{char_style_name}" ...')
def add_table_style(doc, base_style):
print(f'creating new table style...')
border_color_table = (
for tbl in border_color_table:
table_style_name = f"myTable{tbl[0]}"
table_style = doc.Styles.Add(table_style_name, vb.wdStyleTypeTable)
table_style.Font = base_style.Font
for i in (-4,-3,-2,-1):
table_style.Table.Borders(i).LineStyle = vb.wdLineStyleSingle
table_style.Table.Borders(i).LineWidth = vb.wdLineWidth150pt
table_style.Table.Borders(i).Color = colorhex_to_int(tbl[1])
table_style.Table.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = colorhex_to_int("#eeeeee")
print(f' + "{table_style_name}"')
print(f'failed to create style "{table_style_name}" ...')
def main():
wdApp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application")
if wdApp.Documents.Count < 1:
if not wdApp.Visible:
return 0
doc = wdApp.ActiveDocument
normalStyle = doc.Styles(vb.wdStyleNormal)
add_marker_style(doc, normalStyle)
add_character_style(doc, normalStyle)
add_table_style(doc, normalStyle)
if __name__ == '__main__':
L'applet de commande suivante est créée et appelée à partir du PowerShell principal. Bien sûr, vous pouvez l'appeler directement avec python
function Set-MyStyleToActiveWordDocumentWithPython {
if ((Get-Process | Where-Object ProcessName -EQ "winword").Count -lt 1) {
$pyCodePath = "{0}\python_code\" -f $PSScriptRoot
'python -B "{0}"' -f $pyCodePath | Invoke-Expression
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