[Java] I tried to solve Paiza's B rank problem


I tried to solve " Maximum average interval of daily visitors (equivalent to paiza rank B) " from the skill check past problem collection (Java edition): blush: I'm new to programming, but I've summarized the algorithm part in an easy-to-understand manner! By the way, the author is B rank with no practical experience. ..

[Problem link] https://paiza.jp/works/mondai/skillcheck_archive/max_range?language_uid=java

table of contents

--Problem --Flow of how to solve --Answer code


Problem statement

You were in control of a website. I ran a campaign on this website for a series of k days, but forgot how long it took.

Fortunately, we have access logs for all n days of running the website, and we know the number of visitors per day. For the time being, I decided to consider the period with the highest average number of visitors per day among the k consecutive days as a candidate for the period during which the campaign was conducted.

n days worth of visitors and campaign days k will be entered, so please output the number of candidates for the campaign period and the earliest start date among the candidates.

Value to be entered

The input consists of two lines. In the first line, n and k are entered separated by a single-byte space. In the second line, n integers a_1, a_2,…, a_n are entered separated by a single-byte space. a_i represents the number of visitors on day i.

Expected output

Please output the number of candidates for the campaign period and the earliest start date among the candidates in this order, separated by a half-width space on one line.


In all test cases, the following conditions are met. ・ 1 ≤ n ≤ 1,000 ・ 1 ≤ k ≤ n ・ 0 ≤ a_i ≤ 100

5 3
1 2 3 2 1
1 2
10 2
6 2 0 7 1 3 5 3 2 6
5 1

For details, please check ** here ** to check the problem!

Flow of how to solve

1. Think about the general flow

I usually comment out and write the general flow before writing the code. This time I drew it in a diagram for easy understanding! 日別訪問者問題.png

2. Write the code

If you think about the general flow, I will write the code. I will write the code according to each process. I try to divide the parts where the scope is likely to be long into methods.

① Input 1

The standard input uses the Scanner class. image.png

 // Input
	Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
 // Number of days the access log remained n
	int n = sc.nextInt();
 // Number of days the campaign was held k
	int k = sc.nextInt();

② Input 2

image.png Divide into methods. First, write the initialization of the array and the call of the method. ↓

 // n-day visitor array
	int[] visitorCount = new int[n];
 // Enter the number of visitors (n days)
	visitorCount = inputVisitor(n, visitorCount, sc);

Next, I will write the contents of the method. ↓

 * Method to enter the number of visitors (n days)
 * @param n The number of days that the access log remained n
 * @param visitorCount Array of visitors for n days
 * @param sc Standard input
 * @return Array with the number of visitors entered
	private static int[] inputVisitor(int n, int[] visitorCount, Scanner sc) {
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			visitorCount[i] = sc.nextInt();
		return visitorCount;

③ Make an array of total visitor values for k days

image.png Divide into methods. First, write the initialization of the array and the call of the method. ↓

 // Array of total number of visitors for k days [n --k + 1]
	int[] visitorSumCount = new int[n - k + 1];
 // Calculate visitorSumCount
	visitorSumCount = visitorSum(visitorCount, n, k, visitorSumCount);

Next, I will write the contents of the method. ↓

 * Calculate the total number of visitors for k days ((n --k + 1) times)
 * @param visitorCount Array of visitors for n days
 * @param n The number of days that the access log remained n
 * @param k Number of days the campaign was held k
 * @param visitorSumCount An array of total visitors for k days
 * @return An array that calculates the total number of visitors for k days
	private static int[] visitorSum(int[] visitorCount, int n, int k, int[] visitorSumCount) {
		for(int i = 0; i < (n - k + 1); i++) {
			for(int j = i; j < (k + i); j++) {
				visitorSumCount[i] += visitorCount[j];
		return visitorSumCount;

④ Find the Max value in the total number of visitors

image.png Divide into methods. First, describe the initialization of variables and the call of methods. ↓

 // Max value in visitorSumCount
	int visitorSumMax = 0;
 // Ask for visitorSumMax
	visitorSumMax = sortVisitorSumMax(visitorSumCount, visitorSumMax);

Next, I will write the contents of the method. ↓

 * Find the Max value in the total number of visitors
 * @param visitorSumCount An array of total visitors for k days
 * @param visitorSumMax Max value in visitorSumCount
 * @return Obtained Max value
	private static int sortVisitorSumMax(int[] visitorSumCount, int visitorSumMax) {
		for(int i = 0; i < visitorSumCount.length; i++) {
			if(visitorSumCount[i] > visitorSumMax) {
				visitorSumMax = visitorSumCount[i];
		return visitorSumMax;

⑤ Put the index value that becomes the Max value in the total visitor array in the list.


 // List with index values that will be visitorSumMax
	List<Integer> visitorSumMaxStartDay = new ArrayList<>();
 // Ask for visitorSumMaxStartDay
	visitorSumMaxStartDay = visitorSumMaxStartDaySort(visitorSumCount, visitorSumMax, visitorSumMaxStartDay);

Next, I will write the contents of the method. ↓

 * Save the index that becomes visitorSumMax in visitorSumCount in the list
 * @param visitorSumCount An array of total visitors for k days
 * @param visitorSumMax Max value in visitorSumCount
 * @param visitorSumMaxStartDay Index that becomes visitorSumMax in visitorSumCount
 * @return Returns an indexed list
	private static List<Integer> visitorSumMaxStartDaySort(int[] visitorSumCount, int visitorSumMax, List<Integer> visitorSumMaxStartDay) {
		for(int i = 0; i < visitorSumCount.length; i++) {
			if(visitorSumCount[i] == visitorSumMax) {
		return visitorSumMaxStartDay;

⑥ Output


This is the last! visitorSumMaxStartDay Outputs the number of elements in the list and the value of index (0) + 1.

 // Output the number of candidate days
	System.out.print(visitorSumMaxStartDay.size() + " ");
 // Output the first day of the candidate date
	System.out.print(visitorSumMaxStartDay.get(0) + 1);

Answer code

Finally, I will post the answer code!

import java.util.*;

public class PaizaB01Visitors {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
 // Number of days the access log remained n
		int n = sc.nextInt();
 // Number of days the campaign was held k
		int k = sc.nextInt();

 // n-day visitor array
		int[] visitorCount = new int[n];
 // Enter the number of visitors (n days)
		visitorCount = inputVisitor(n, visitorCount, sc);

 // Array of total number of visitors for k days [n --k + 1]
		int[] visitorSumCount = new int[n - k + 1];
 // Calculate visitorSumCount
		visitorSumCount = visitorSum(visitorCount, n, k, visitorSumCount);

 // Max value in visitorSumCount
		int visitorSumMax = 0;
 // Ask for visitorSumMax
		visitorSumMax = sortVisitorSumMax(visitorSumCount, visitorSumMax);

 // List with index values that will be visitorSumMax
		List<Integer> visitorSumMaxStartDay = new ArrayList<>();
 // Ask for visitorSumMaxStartDay
		visitorSumMaxStartDay = visitorSumMaxStartDaySort(visitorSumCount, visitorSumMax, visitorSumMaxStartDay);

 // Output the number of candidate days
		System.out.print(visitorSumMaxStartDay.size() + " ");
 // Output the first day of the candidate date
		System.out.print(visitorSumMaxStartDay.get(0) + 1);


 * Method to enter the number of visitors (n days)
 * @param n The number of days that the access log remained n
 * @param visitorCount Array of visitors for n days
 * @param sc Standard input
 * @return Array with the number of visitors entered
	private static int[] inputVisitor(int n, int[] visitorCount, Scanner sc) {
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			visitorCount[i] = sc.nextInt();
		return visitorCount;

 * Calculate the total number of visitors for k days ((n --k + 1) times)
 * @param visitorCount Array of visitors for n days
 * @param n The number of days that the access log remained n
 * @param k Number of days the campaign was held k
 * @param visitorSumCount An array of total visitors for k days
 * @return An array that calculates the total number of visitors for k days
	private static int[] visitorSum(int[] visitorCount, int n, int k, int[] visitorSumCount) {
		for(int i = 0; i < (n - k + 1); i++) {
			for(int j = i; j < (k + i); j++) {
				visitorSumCount[i] += visitorCount[j];
		return visitorSumCount;

 * Find the Max value in the total number of visitors
 * @param visitorSumCount An array of total visitors for k days
 * @param visitorSumMax Max value in visitorSumCount
 * @return Obtained Max value
	private static int sortVisitorSumMax(int[] visitorSumCount, int visitorSumMax) {
		for(int i = 0; i < visitorSumCount.length; i++) {
			if(visitorSumCount[i] > visitorSumMax) {
				visitorSumMax = visitorSumCount[i];
		return visitorSumMax;

 * Save the index that becomes visitorSumMax in visitorSumCount in the list
 * @param visitorSumCount An array of total visitors for k days
 * @param visitorSumMax Max value in visitorSumCount
 * @param visitorSumMaxStartDay Index that becomes visitorSumMax in visitorSumCount
 * @return Returns an indexed list
	private static List<Integer> visitorSumMaxStartDaySort(int[] visitorSumCount, int visitorSumMax, List<Integer> visitorSumMaxStartDay) {
		for(int i = 0; i < visitorSumCount.length; i++) {
			if(visitorSumCount[i] == visitorSumMax) {
		return visitorSumMaxStartDay;

in conclusion

Thank you for watching so far! If you have any opinions or improvements, we would appreciate it if you could comment.

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