[Rails] Implementation of CSV import function



Development environment

・ Ruby: 2.5.7 Rails: 5.2.4 ・ Vagrant: 2.2.7 -VirtualBox: 6.1 ・ OS: macOS Catalina


The following has been implemented.

Slim introductionIntroduction of Bootstrap3Implementation of posting function


1. Introduce Gem


gem 'roo'


$ bundle

2. Edit ʻapplication.rb`


require_relative 'boot'

require 'rails/all'
require 'csv' #Postscript


module Bookers2Debug
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.load_defaults 5.2

3. Model editing


def self.import(file)
  CSV.foreach(file.path, headers: true) do |row|
    book = find_by(id: row["id"]) || new
    book.attributes = row.to_hash.slice(*updatable_attributes)
    book.save!(validate: false)

def self.updatable_attributes
  ['id', 'title', 'body']

(1) If the same ID is found in the data to be imported, the record is called, and if not found, a new one is created.

book = find_by(id: row["id"]) || new

(2) Obtain data from the CSV file.

book.attributes = row.to_hash.slice(*updatable_attributes)

③ Save without passing through validation.

book.save!(validate: false)

(4) Set the columns to be received when importing CSV.

def self.updatable_attributes
  ['id', 'title', 'body']

4. Edit the controller


def import
  redirect_to books_path

5. Add routing


resources :books do
  collection { post :import }

6. Edit the view


= form_tag import_books_path, multipart: true do
  = file_field_tag :file
  = submit_tag "import", class: 'btn btn-success'

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