Unit tests under Active Storage deployment

First of all, what is Active Storage?

A function for uploading files If you use this, you can easily create an image posting function etc. with a form. You can also upload files to cloud storage services It's easy to do.

In my case, I was creating an application that has a function to upload images, so I had introduced Active Storage. As a feature, there is no need to prepare a column for images. This time, with this feature, there were a lot of errors ...

The test of the main subject

The cause of this error is ① FactoryBot has created dummy image data ② In spec.rb, the fixture_file_upload method was not used

The above two were the main causes of the error.

Especially for (2), I couldn't reach it because I was just investigating the misplacement ..

Then from ①.

For example, if you have a model / table called product

ʻIf you are not using Active Storage` Image column (column for image) required

ʻIf you are using Active Storage` No need for image column (column for image)

That's right.

If you review the description of FactoryBot based on the above

ʻIf you are not using Active Storage`


FactoryBot.define do
  factory :product do
    image             { 'test_image.jpg' }
    name              { 'Toner' }
    explanation       { 'It's a good lotion' }
    price             { '2000' }

ʻIf you are using Active Storage`


FactoryBot.define do
  factory :product do
    name              { 'Toner' }
    explanation       { 'It's a good lotion' }
    price             { '2000' }

It's natural that this happens. Because under Active Storage environment, you don't need the image column. (I didn't notice at all ..)

This solved part (1).

Next, turn to ②.

fixture_file_upload method

fixture_file_upload method

fixture_file_upload method

I said it three times because it's important. This method is provided by RSpec.

Spec.rb when the test did not pass at all ↓↓↓↓


require 'rails_helper'

describe Product do

  describe '#create' do
    before do
      @product = build(:product)

    # 1.Can be registered if the image exists
    it 'is valid with an image' do
      expect(@product).to be_valid

    # 2.Cannot be registered if name is empty
    it 'is invalid without a name' do
      @product.name = nil
      expect(@product.errors[:name]).to include('Please enter')



Modified spec.rb ↓↓↓↓


require 'rails_helper'

describe Product do

  describe '#create' do
    before do
      @product = build(:item)
      @product.image = fixture_file_upload("/files/test_image.jpg ")

    # 1.Can be registered if the image exists
    it 'is valid with an image' do
      expect(@product).to be_valid

    # 2.Cannot be registered if name is empty
    it 'is invalid without a name' do
      @product.name = nil
      expect(@product.errors[:name]).to include('Please enter')



fixture_file_upload("/files/test_image.jpg ") What does that mean, but The test images are placed according to the directory below.

  ├ factories
  ├ fixtures
  │     └ files
  │         ├ test_image.jpg
  │         └ .keep
  ├ models

Call back (reserve) this between before do ~ end, The image for testing is generated before the test code is executed.

With this, ② is also solved safely.

It was a cause that would never have been solved, It took a lot of time and energy to get there.

I have to improve my search power ...

I hope it will be helpful for those who do not pass the test due to the same reason.

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