rsync4j - Ich möchte rsync in Java berühren.

Vielen Dank. Es ist lustig. Ich möchte rsync für die Entwicklung eines bestimmten Dienstes verwenden. Es ist auch Java. Ich konnte jedoch nichts wie rsync finden, das in Java implementiert ist.

Während der Recherche fand ich Folgendes


Dieses rsync4j ist ein rsync-Frontend, das unter Windows und Linux ausgeführt wird. In Windows wird rsync ausgeführt, indem die für rsync erforderliche Binärdatei einmal bereitgestellt und ausgeführt wird.


Funktioniert normal, ja

Z:\users\desktop\a>java -jar rsync4j-all-3.1.2-12-spring-boot.jar
usage: com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.RSync
       [-h] [--output-commandline] [--maxtime MAXTIME] [-v]
       [--info INFO] [--debug DEBUG] [--msgs2stderr] [-q] [--no-motd] [-c]
       [-a] [-r] [-R] [--no-implied-dirs] [-b] [--backup-dir BACKUPDIR]
       [--suffix SUFFIX] [-u] [--inplace] [--append] [--append-verify] [-d]
       [-l] [-L] [--copy-unsafe-links] [--safe-links] [--munge-links] [-k]
       [-K] [-H] [-p] [-E] [--chmod CHMOD] [-X] [-o] [-g] [--devices]
       [--specials] [-t] [-O] [-J] [--super] [--fake-super] [-S]
       [--preallocate] [-n] [-W] [-x] [-B BLOCKSIZE] [-e RSH]
       [--rsync-path RSYNCPATH] [--existing] [--ignore-existing]
       [--remove-source-files] [--delete] [--delete-before]
       [--delete-during] [--delete-delay] [--delete-after]
       [--delete-excluded] [--ignore-missing-args] [--delete-missing-args]
       [--ignore-errors] [--force] [--max-delete MAXDELETE]
       [--max-size MAXSIZE] [--min-size MINSIZE] [--partial]
       [--partial-dir PARTIALDIR] [--delay-updates] [-m] [--numeric-ids]
       [--usermap USERMAP] [--groupmap GROUPMAP] [--chown CHOWN]
       [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--contimeout CONTIMEOUT] [-I] [-M REMOTEOPTION]
       [--size-only] [--modify-window MODIFYWINDOW] [-T TEMPDIR] [-y]
       [--compare-dest COMPAREDEST] [--copy-dest COPYDEST]
       [--link-dest LINKDEST] [-z] [--compress-level COMPRESSLEVEL]
       [--skip-compress SKIPCOMPRESS] [-C] [-f FILTER] [--exclude EXCLUDE]
       [--exclude-from EXCLUDEFROM] [--include INCLUDE]
       [--include-from INCLUDEFROM] [--files-from FILESFROM] [-0] [-s]
       [--address ADDRESS] [--port PORT] [--sockopts SOCKOPTS]
       [--blocking-io] [--stats] [-8] [--human-readable] [--progress] [-i]
       [--out-format OUTFORMAT] [--log-file LOGFILE]
       [--log-file-format LOGFILEFORMAT] [--password-file PASSWORDFILE]
       [--list-only] [--bwlimit BWLIMIT] [--outbuf OUTBUF]
       [--write-batch WRITEBATCH] [--only-write-batch ONLYWRITEBATCH]
       [--read-batch READBATCH] [--protocol PROTOCOL] [--iconv ICONV]
       [--checkum-seed CHECKSUMSEED] [-4] [-6] [--version]
       [--additional ADDITIONAL] src dest
com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.RSync: error: too few arguments

Z:\users\desktop\a>java -jar rsync4j-all-3.1.2-12-spring-boot.jar Z:\users\desktop\a Z:\users\desktop\a\a
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries extractBinaries
Information: Setting up rsync4j environment in 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j'...
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries extractBinaries
Information: Creating directory: C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries extractBinaries
Information: Creating directory: C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\home\hani\.ssh
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries extractBinaries
Information: Copy your public key pairs into: C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\home\hani\.ssh
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/cygcom_err-2.dll' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\cygcom_err-2.dll'
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/cygcrypto-1.0.0.dll' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\cygcrypto-1.0.0.dll'
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll'
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/cyggssapi_krb5-2.dll' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\cyggssapi_krb5-2.dll'
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/cygiconv-2.dll' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\cygiconv-2.dll'
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/cygintl-8.dll' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\cygintl-8.dll'
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/cygk5crypto-3.dll' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\cygk5crypto-3.dll'
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/cygkrb5-3.dll' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\cygkrb5-3.dll'
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/cygkrb5support-0.dll' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\cygkrb5support-0.dll'
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/cygwin1.dll' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\cygwin1.dll'
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/cygz.dll' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\cygz.dll'
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/ssh.exe' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\ssh.exe'
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/rsync.exe' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\rsync.exe'
9 16, 2018 9:59:32 Uhr com.github.fracpete.rsync4j.core.Binaries copyResourceTo
Information: Copying resource 'com/github/fracpete/rsync4j/windows-x86_64/ssh-keygen.exe' to 'C:\Users\hani\rsync4j\bin\ssh-keygen.exe'
skipping directory a

Z:\users\desktop\a>java -jar rsync4j-all-3.1.2-12-spring-boot.jar -av Z:\users\desktop\a Z:\users\desktop\a\a
sending incremental file list

sent 9,556,407 bytes  received 47 bytes  19,112,908.00 bytes/sec
total size is 9,553,886  speedup is 1.00


Rufen Sie Java an.

Bitte schreibe so auf maven.


Beispiel: Weder ist asynchron.


 // rsync -av /backupmoto/  /backupsaki/ --delete  --exclude='nozokitai/'
        RSync rsync = new RSync()
        CollectingProcessOutput output = null;
        try {
            output = rsync.execute();
        } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Exit code: " + output.getExitCode());
        if (output.getExitCode() > 0)


Optionen in ein Array werfen

        //rsync -av /backupmoto/  /backupsaki/ --delete  --exclude='nozokitai/'
        RSync rsync;
        try {
           rsync = new RSync();
           rsync.setOptions(new String[]{"-av", "/backupmoto/", "/backupsaki/", "--delete", "--exclude='nozokitai/"});
            CollectingProcessOutput output = rsync.execute();
            System.out.println("Exit code: " + output.getExitCode());
            if (output.getExitCode() > 0)
        } catch (Exception e) {


Es wäre schön gewesen, wenn es in Java implementiert worden wäre, aber ich frage mich, ob es in Form der Ausführung einer Binärdatei sein könnte. Wenn ich etwas im tatsächlichen Betrieb herausfinde, möchte ich es zurückgeben.


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