Da die Programmkommentare grundsätzlich in englischer Sprache verfasst sind Machen Sie sich eine Notiz
* This class is used to hold the ***.
* Provides ***.
* Defines a *** interface.
* That any implementation of this interface can be used by inheritor's to handle a ***.
* Sets flag indicating whether *** is ***.
* Determines if *** is *** or not.
* @return Returns {@code true} if *** is ***, {@code false} otherwise.
* Checks whether the given *** can be ***.
* @return Returns {@code true} if the given *** can be ***, {@code false} if they cannot be ***.
* Gets the *** with the given {@code ***}.
* @return Returns the ***. Returns {@code null} if *** doesn't have a specified ***.
* Enumeration for ***.
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