Build a data analysis environment with Kedro + MLflow + Github Actions



** = "Issues when creating a notebook that is all in one file in a local environment for each experiment (lightgbm_02_YYYYMMDD.ipynb, etc.)" **

What i did

Introduced Kedro as a pipeline tool

icon_kedro.png ### What is Kedro? ・ Introduction method * (Reference) [Introduction to Machine Learning Pipeline with Kedro](

Good thing

$ kedro jupyter notebook --allow-root --port=8888 --ip= &
from kedro.framework.context import load_context
proj_path = '../../../' 
context = load_context(proj_path)
# df = catalog.load("XXX")
parameters = context.params

The remaining challenges

Introduced MLflow as an experiment management tool

icon_mlflow.png ### What is MLflow? ・ Introduction method * (Reference) [Introduction to experiment management with MLflow](

Good thing

The remaining challenges

Introduced Github Actions as a CI tool

icon_githubaction.png ### What is Github Actions? ・ Introduction method * (Reference) [CI / CD to try with the new function "GitHub Actions" on GitHub](

Good thing

The remaining challenges


in conclusion

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